Luke 20:1

LUKE CHAPTER 20 LUKE 20:1 Christ silences those who questioned his authority. LUKE 20:9 The parable of the vineyard let out to wicked husbandmen. LUKE 20:19 The chief priests and scribes seek matter against him: his reply to their insidious question concerning: paying tribute to Caesar. LUKE 20:27 H... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 20:3

Ver. 3-8. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 21:24", and following verses to MATTHEW 21:27. SEE POOLE ON "MARK 11:29", and following verses to MARK 11:33. The substance of our Saviour's answer is this: From whence had John his authority? He preached and baptized; who gave him his authority? They had sent much su... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 20:9

Ver. 9-18. We met with this parable at large both in MATTHEW 21:33, and in MARK 12:1. Its obvious scope is to let them know, that God in righteous judgment, for the Jews abusing the Lord's prophets, John the Baptist, and himself, who was in a few days to be killed by them, would unchurch and destroy... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 20:19

Ver. 19,20. There is nothing in these verses, but what we before met with, and is opened in the notes on MATTHEW 21:45,46, or MARK 12:12,13. They let us see as in a glass the spirit and genius of wicked men filled with malice against the gospel. They are continually seeking to destroy such as have a... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 20:27

Ver. 27-38. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 22:23", and following verses to MATTHEW 22:32, SEE POOLE ON "MARK 12:18", and following verses to MARK 12:27, where all the passages in this piece of history are fully opened. By EQUAL UNTO THE ANGELS, in LUKE 20:36, we must not understand in all things, but in the... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 20:39

Ver. 39,40 The scribes were the Jewish doctors of the Pharisees faction, and enemies to the Sadducees; they applaud our Saviour's answer: thus as the Herodians before, (in the case of the tribute), so the Sadducees here, are put to silence. He will now put the scribes and Pharisees to silence.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 20:41

Ver. 41-44. The answer had been easy if the scribes and Pharisees, who (Matthew saith) were there also, had owned Christ to be the Son of God. But this they did not own, and so, as MATTHEW 22:46 tells us, NO MAN WAS ABLE TO ANSWER HIM A WORD, NEITHER DURST ANY MAN FROM THAT DAY FORTH ASK HIM ANY MOR... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 20:45

Ver. 45-47. We have met with all this before, SEE POOLE ON "LUKE 11:43". SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 23:6". SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 23:7". SEE POOLE ON "MARK 12:38", and following verses to MARK 12:40.... [ Continue Reading ]

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