LUKE CHAPTER 20 Luke 20:1 Christ silences those who questioned his authority. Luke 20:9 The parable of the vineyard let out to wicked husbandmen. Luke 20:19 The chief priests and scribes seek matter against him: his reply to their insidious question concerning: paying tribute to Caesar. Luke 20:27 He confuteth the Sadducees concerning the resurrection. Luke 20:41 He propounds a difficulty concerning the character of Christ. Luke 20:45 He warns his disciples against the ambition and hypocrisy of the scribes. Ver. 1,2. We have along the history of the gospel observed, that the scribes and Pharisees took all advantages imaginable against our Saviour: failing in all their acts, they now come to question his authority, which seemeth not so much to have respect to his preaching, as to his act in casting of the buyers and sellers out of the temple; for as to preaching, they seem, by the history of Scripture, to have given a great liberty, especially if any had the repute of a prophet.

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