Ver. 20,21. It is from hence evident, that as yet they neither had a true notion of Christ as God man in one person, nor yet of the Messiah, but still remained in an opinion of a temporal deliverance to be effected for the Jews by the Messiah, when he should come. The words also showed a great weakness in the disciples faith as to Christ; they speak as if they were quite out of breath, and their faith began to fail. We were, say they, once of the mind, and maintained some hope, that this Jesus of Nazareth had been he whom God had designed for the Messiah, and now it is the third day since these things were done. This mention of the third day is a good argument to prove that these were some old disciples of Christ, who had taken notice of his promise, or prophecy, that he should rise again the third day, Luke 18:33. They ought to have had patience till night, and to have considered, that though the third day were begun, yet it was not yet past.

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