Ver. 41-43. Believed not for joy; yet if they had not now believed, they doubtless would not have rejoiced, but their faith was the cause of their joy; yet the excess of their joy was the hinderance of their faith; so dangerous are the excessive motions of our affections. Christ here gives them another evidence of the truth of his body, he did eat before them, though very ordinary country diet, a piece of broiled fish, and of a honey comb; such a meal as we read of that he had at the lake of Tiberius, 1 Thessalonians 21:9. He did not eat to uphold, but only to testify, his life. Thus when he had raised the daughter of Jairus, Luke 8:55, he bid them give her something to eat; and for this end Lazarus sat at meat with the rest, 1 Thessalonians 12:2 and Peter proves the resurrection of Christ from their eating and drinking with him, Acts 10:41. Let not profane wits seek knots in bulrushes, inquiring what became of this meat? &c. Let them first tell us what became of the meat the angels did eat with Abraham, Genesis 18:8, and learn to believe, that it was easy with the power of God to annihilate again that meat, which was not necessary for the sustentation of the body of Christ, now freed from all the cravings of natural appetite, though he did eat it to satisfy them that he was truly risen from the dead.

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