Luke 3:1

LUKE CHAPTER 3 LUKE 3:1 The preaching and baptism of John. LUKE 3:15 His testimony of Christ. LUKE 3:19,20 Herod imprisons John for his free reproof. LUKE 3:21,22 Christ is baptized, and receiveth testimony from heaven. LUKE 3:23 The age and genealogy of Christ from Joseph upwards. Ver. 1,2. The eva... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:3

How long the time of John's ministry was before he was shut up by Herod in prison the Holy Scriptures do not certainly tell us; but it must be very short, for our Saviour's time was little more than three years, and we hear of his imprisonment in the beginning of our Saviour's public ministry. All t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:4

Ver. 4-6. All four of the evangelists apply that prophecy, ISAIAH 40:3, to John the Baptist. Luke only repeats what is LUKE 3:5,6 and in ISAIAH 40:4,5, and he doth but shortly repeat what is in the prophet, LUKE 3:5; the prophet saith, _And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shal... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:9

SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 3:7", and following verses to MATTHEW 3:10, where we met with all this with no alteration, save that Matthew saith that he spoke this to the Pharisees and Sadducees, seeing them come to his baptism: though he did especially intend them, yet he spake in the hearing of the multit... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:10

Ver. 10,11. Although the preaching of the law doth not immediately conduce to work in us faith in Christ, yet mediately it doth, as it brings men to cry out, as those ACTS 2:37, _Men and brethren, what shall we do?_ or as the jailer, ACTS 16:1, _Sirs, what shall we do to be saved?_ John preaching Go... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:12

Ver. 12,13. We have showed often before that the publicans were men that collected the public revenue. In all times that sort of men have been charged with exactions of what was more than their due. The Baptist, as a fruit or indication of the truth of their repentance, cautions them against exactio... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:14

A good and faithful minister of Christ should be one able to bring out of his storehouse things new and old, to give every one their portion in their season, and so courageous and faithful as not to be afraid to do it, nor for any reason decline the doing of it. Such was John the Baptist. These were... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:15

It being known to many what the angel had told Zacharias concerning John thirty years since, and what had miraculously happened at his circumcision, as also what Zacharias his father had prophesied concerning him; and there having been many who had observed the holiness and severity of his life all... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:16

Ver. 16-18. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 3:11", SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 3:12", SEE POOLE ON "MARK 1:7", SEE POOLE ON "MARK 1:8". John the Baptist in these verses doth not only assure them that he was not the Christ, but also lets them know that Christ was coming amongst them, and that he was more excellent t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:19

Ver. 19,20. These two verses sufficiently confirm to us, that we are not to expect to find the several passages in the Gospel concerning John the Baptist set down according to the order of time in which they happened, for the evangelist sets down the imprisonment of John before the baptism of Christ... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:21

Ver. 21,22. This history of our Saviour's baptism is reported both by Matthew and Mark, much most largely by Matthew; SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 3:13"., &c. Luke only addeth those words, AND PRAYING, which teacheth us that prayers ought to be joined with baptism. What was the matter of his prayer we are... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:23

OLBGrk; Here is amongst critics a little dispute, whether our blessed Lord at his baptism (after which he soon began his public ministry) was full _thirty years of age; _ wsei and arcomenov in the Greek give occasion to the doubt. Those who judge that he was thirty complete, conceive that the age be... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:24

Ver. 24-38 There have been great disputes about the genealogy of our Saviour, as recorded both by Matthew and Luke. The adversaries of Christian religion have taken no small advantage from the seeming difference between them, which even many sober writers have thought it no easy matter to reconcile.... [ Continue Reading ]

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