Ver. 41-56. We had both these pieces of history twice before related, by Matthew, Matthew 9:18, and by Mark, Mark 5:22, with some further circumstances. See Poole on "Matthew 9:18", and following verses to Matthew 9:26 also See Poole on "Mark 5:22", and following verses to Mark 5:43. Christ's saying, Luke 8:45, Who touched me? and again, Luke 8:46, Somebody hath touched me; for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me; doth not argue that Christ knew not of the woman's coming and touching him, or did not voluntarily send out that virtue that healed her; far be any such thoughts from any pious, intelligent souls: she was not healed by her touch of the border of his garment, but by his powerful will, commanding such a miraculous effect: he only spake this to bring forth the miracle into light, which was wrought secretly, so as the people took no notice of it. Healing virtue went out of Christ upon an act of his will, not necessarily. From Luke 8:55 is confuted the atheism of those who would make the soul to be merely the crasis, or some affection of the body; and it is proved to be a being that can subsist of itself, in a state of separation from the body. It is said, her spirit came again; not, Christ gave her a new spirit. Christ did not here exert a creating power; only sent forth that power with which he was clothed to raise the dead. For other things observable from this story, see the notes before mentioned upon the parallel texts. Ver. 41-56. We had both these pieces of history twice before related, by Matthew, Matthew 9:18, and by Mark, Mark 5:22, with some further circumstances. See Poole on "Matthew 9:18", and following verses to Matthew 9:26 also See Poole on "Mark 5:22", and following verses to Mark 5:43. Christ's saying, Luke 8:45, Who touched me? and again, Luke 8:46, Somebody hath touched me; for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me; doth not argue that Christ knew not of the woman's coming and touching him, or did not voluntarily send out that virtue that healed her; far be any such thoughts from any pious, intelligent souls: she was not healed by her touch of the border of his garment, but by his powerful will, commanding such a miraculous effect: he only spake this to bring forth the miracle into light, which was wrought secretly, so as the people took no notice of it. Healing virtue went out of Christ upon an act of his will, not necessarily. From Luke 8:55 is confuted the atheism of those who would make the soul to be merely the crasis, or some affection of the body; and it is proved to be a being that can subsist of itself, in a state of separation from the body. It is said, her spirit came again; not, Christ gave her a new spirit. Christ did not here exert a creating power; only sent forth that power with which he was clothed to raise the dead. For other things observable from this story, see the notes before mentioned upon the parallel texts.

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