Mark 11:1

MARK CHAPTER 11 MARK 11:1 Christ rideth into Jerusalem in triumph, MARK 11:12 curseth a barren fig tree, MARK 11:15 drives the buyers and sellers out of the temple. MARK 11:20 The cursed fig tree is dried up: Christ exhorteth to faith in prayer, and to forgiveness of enemies, MARK 11:27 and silences... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 11:2

Matthew saith _an ass and a colt._ The other evangelists speak only of the colt. The heathens, by a light of nature showing them there was a reverence and honour due to the Divine Being, were wont, in the use they made of creatures for any Divine service, to use such as they had not before used for... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 11:3

Ver. 3-6. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 21:3", &c. All along the story of our Saviour's life and actions we shall find certain indications of his Divine power and virtue: his knowing men's thoughts, and declarations of such his knowledge to them: his certain prediction of future contingencies, being able to... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 11:7

Ver. 7-10. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 21:8". SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 21:9". It appeareth by our Saviour sending for the colt, that this little rural triumph, and the acclamations attending it, were designed by him both to show the people: 1. That he was the King whom God had promised to set upon his holy... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 11:11

OLBGrk; Ver. 11-19. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 21:12", and following verses to MATTHEW 21:17, where having so largely spoken to this part of the history, considering also what Mark and Luke hath to complete the history, few words will be needful about it here. Though Mark seems to relate it so, as if the... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 11:20

Ver. 20-23. SEE THE NOTES ON "MATTHEW 21:21". It is I confess the opinion of many excellent interpreters, whom I reverence, that the main end of our Saviour's cursing and blasting this fig tree, was to let his disciples see in a type what would be the consequent of a spiritual barrenness. That spiri... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 11:24

Ver. 24-26. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 21:22". SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 6:14". SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 6:15". SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 7:7", in which texts we before met with what we have in these verses, teaching us the necessity of faith and charity to those who would so pray as to find acceptance with God. Th... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 11:27

Ver. 27,28. Our Lord went every night to Bethany, (two miles, or near as much), and returned in the morning to Jerusalem. Our Saviour walked and taught in the temple. Matthew saith the priests and the scribes came to him _as he was teaching; _ Mark saith, AS HE WAS WALKING: possibly he at the same t... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 11:29

Ver. 29-33. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 21:24", and following verses to MATTHEW 21:27, where are the same passages opened. A PROPHET here, MARK 11:32, signifieth, one extraordinarily inspired and sent of God to reveal his will, so as his baptism must needs be from heaven. This reputation John it seems uni... [ Continue Reading ]

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