Mark 2:1

CHAPTER SUMMARY MARK 2:1 Christ, followed by multitudes, MARK 2:3 healeth one sick of the palsy, MARK 2:13 calleth Matthew from the receipt of custom, MARK 2:15 justifieth himself for eating with publicans and sinners, MARK 2:18 excuses his disciples for not fasting, MARK 2:23 and vindicates them fo... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 2:13

Still it is said he TAUGHT THEM, thereby letting his ministers know what is their great work; and therefore they should be persons _apt to teach, _ as Paul directeth Timothy, 1 TIMOTHY 3:2.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 2:14

Ver. 14-17. We had this piece of history with some addition in MATTHEW 9:9, where he was called _Matthew:_ Mark and Luke both call him _Levi:_ it was ordinary with the Jews to have two names. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 9:9".... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 2:18

Ver. 18-22. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 9:14", and following verses to MATTHEW 9:17. The sum of all teacheth us: 1. That fasting is an exercise suited to afflictive dispensations of Providence, and ought to be proportioned to its season. 2. That new converts are not to be discouraged by too severe exerc... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 2:23

OLBGrk; Ver. 23-28. We had also this history in MATTHEW 12:1, in our notes upon which we considered all those passages relating to it which this evangelist hath, for the explication of which I refer my reader thither. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 12:1", and following verses to MATTHEW 12:8. It refers to a... [ Continue Reading ]

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