Mark 3:1

OLBGrk; MARK CHAPTER 3 MARK 3:1 Christ appealing to reason healeth the withered hand on the sabbath day. MARK 3:6 The Pharisees conspire his death: he retires to the seaside, and healeth many. MARK 3:13 He chooseth his twelve apostles. MARK 3:20 His friends look upon him as beside himself. MARK 3:22... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 3:6

Ver. 6-12. Who these Herodians were we cannot learn plainly from holy writ; it is most probable that they were a civil faction, who took Herod's part, and were stiff for promoting his interest, and the interest of the Roman emperor, whose substitute Herod was. With these the Pharisees (in other case... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 3:13

Ver. 13-15. We have this piece of history, or rather something to which it relates, both in Matthew and in Luke, only Mark hath this peculiar to himself, that our Saviour did this upon _a mountain._ It is the opinion of Bucer, that this was the mountain at the foot of which he preached the sermon la... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 3:13-15

We have this piece of history, or rather something to which it relates, both in Matthew and in Luke, only Mark hath this peculiar to himself, that our Saviour did this upon _a mountain._ It is the opinion of Bucer, that this was the mountain at the foot of which he preached the sermon largely record... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 3:16

Ver. 16-19. Matthew nameth the apostles upon his relating the history of their mission, or sending out; Mark nameth them upon their election, or first choice. Both these evangelists agree with Luke in their names, saving that Luke calleth him Judas whom Matthew calls Lebbaeus, and Mark, Thaddaeus, s... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 3:20

OLBGrk; Ver. 20,21. There is no small dispute who are here called our Saviour's friends, oi par autou, those who were of him, whether it signifieth his neighbours, the citizens of his city, or his nearer relations, those who belonged to the family of which he was (for he had some brethren that did n... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 3:22

Ver. 22-30. Here is no passage in all this piece of history, but what the reader will find opened these notes: SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 9:34". SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 12:24", and following verses to MATTHEW 12:32. To which I refer the reader.... [ Continue Reading ]

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