Mark 4:1

MARK CHAPTER 4 MARK 4:1 The parable of the sower. MARK 4:10 Why Christ taught in parables. MARK 4:14 The exposition of the parable. MARK 4:21 The light of knowledge is given to be communicated to others. MARK 4:26 The kingdom of God likened to the seed which groweth imperceptibly, MARK 4:30 and to a... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:3

Ver. 3-20. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 13:1", and following verses to MATTHEW 13:23. The parable is recorded both by Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and is of excellent use: 1. To show the excellency of the word of God, which is here (as in other places) called THE WORD; it is the seed of God, the GOOD SEED: an... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:21

The import of this verse may be learned from MATTHEW 5:15,16, where the words are, and applied by an exhortation to holiness, being an argument drawn from the end for which men receive gifts and grace from God, which is not only for their own advantage, though (like the husbandman) those that have i... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:22

Ver. 22,23. Our Saviour, MATTHEW 10:26, sending out his apostles, saith to them, _Fear them not therefore, _ that is, not your enemies and persecutors: _for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known:_ the sense of which words we there said might be, thoug... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:24

Ver. 24,25. Whoso considereth the connection of these words, WITH WHAT MEASURE YE METE, &C., with the first words in the verse, TAKE HEED WHAT YE HEAR, and compares the former with the parallel texts, MATTHEW 7:2 LUKE 6:38, will wonder what the force should be of the argument. For in both the parall... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:26

Ver. 26-29. Our evangelist alone taketh notice of this parable, nor hath it any particular explication annexed. If we expound it with relation to what went before, the scope of it seemeth to be, to let us know that God will have an account of men for their hearing of his word, and therefore men had... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:30

Ver. 30-32. We met with this parable in MATTHEW 13:31,32, where the reader will find we have given the sense of it. It is a prophetical parable, foretelling the great success that the gospel, which at this time was restrained to a little corner of the world, and there met with small acceptance, shou... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:33

Ver. 33,34. From hence we may gather that all the parables by which our Saviour instructed his hearers are not recorded by the evangelists, though many be, and some mentioned by one, some by two of them, which are not recorded by the other. AS THEY WERE ABLE TO HEAR IT. Christ disdained not to accom... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:35

Ver. 35-41. This piece of history is related by Matthew and Luke as well as by our evangelist, and that with no considerable variations one from another; what in it wanteth explication, SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 8:23", and following verses to MATTHEW 8:27. Christ had been preaching, and being wearied an... [ Continue Reading ]

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