We met with this argument twice in Matthew, to the notes upon which I refer the reader. See Poole on "Matthew 10:39". Mark adds those words, and the gospel s, thereby teaching us that a suffering for the sake of the gospel, with therefore owning the propositions of it, or living up to the precepts, is by Christ accounted a suffering for Christ's sake. quchn here must signify life, (as it is translated), for a man cannot lose his soul for Christ's sake and the gospel s. The meaning is, He that will deny and abandon me and my gospel, out of a desire to save his temporal life, shall lose it, or at least shall lose his soul's portion in a better life. But he that is willing to lose his life, or will run the hazard of it, for my sake, for his owning and professing me, and the faith of my gospel, or living up to the rules, shall either save it in specie, by the special workings of my providence for him, delivering him out of his persecutors hands, or shall be recompensed with an eternal life, of much more value.

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