Matthew 1:1

MATTHEW CHAPTER 1 SUMMARY MATTHEW 1:1 The genealogy of Christ from Abraham to Joseph. MATTHEW 1:18 The miraculous conception of Mary: Joseph's doubts are satisfied by an angel, who declareth the name and office of Christ: Jesus is born. CHAPTER INTRODUCTION THE BOOK OF THE GENERATION signifieth... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:2

The evangelist reckoneth the genealogy of our Saviour by three periods, reckoning thrice fourteen descents. The first period began in Abraham, GENESIS 21:2,3 and ended in David. The second began in Solomon, and ended in Jehoiachin. The third began with Jehoiachin, and ended in Christ. Luke (as we sh... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:3

That JUDAS BEGAT PHARES AND ZARA (they were twins begot of Thamar his daughter-in-law), the relict of his son Er whom God slew, GENESIS 38:7, appeareth from GENESIS 38:27. That PHARES BEGAT EZROM appeareth from RUTH 4:18 1 CHRONICLES 2:5; and from the same texts appears also that EZROM BEGAT ARAM, R... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:4

This exactly agreeth with the Old Testament, RUTH 4:19,20 1 CHRONICLES 2:10,11; only it is there said that NAASSON was _prince of the children of Judah,_ NUMBERS 1:7, NUMBERS 2:3, and SALMON is there called _Salma._... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:6

Ver. 5,6. This agreeth with RUTH 4:22 1 SAMUEL 16:1,13. Here now ariseth the first difficulty we meet with in this genealogy, and it rather an appearance of a difficulty than a real one. SALMON being the son of Aminadab, who was the prince of the children of Judah in Moses's time, Salmon cannot be i... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:7

This exactly agrees with the history of the Old Testament, 1 KINGS 11:43 (where he is called _Rehoboam_); he reigned but seventeen years, and died. 1 KINGS 14:21,31. Abijam his son reigned in his stead; he is here called _Abia; _ but we shall observe frequent alteration of names, both as to the fina... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:8

OLBHeb; Jehoshaphat, here called JOSAPHAT, in the Greek, (they having no letter to express the Hebrew h by), was the son of Asa, a good son of a good father, 2 CHRONICLES 17:1,2; he reigned twenty-five years, 1 KINGS 22:42. Jehoram, here called JORAM, succeeded him in his kingdom: he _slew his breth... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:9

That Jotham succeeded his father Uzziah, and reigned sixteen years, agreeth with 2 CHRONICLES 26:23, and that Ahaz his son succeeded him, agreeth with 2 CHRONICLES 27:9; he also reigned sixteen years, and Hezekiah his son reigned in his stead, 2 CHRONICLES 28:27. Some here have cavilled at the truth... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:10

All this exactly agreeth with the Scriptures of the Old Testament. These three princes in a lineal descent immediately succeeded each other, Manasseh (2 KINGS 20:21 1 CHRONICLES 3:13) reigning fifty-five, Amon two, and Josiah thirty-one years, altogether eighty-eight years.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:11

OLBGrk; In this Jechonias 1 CHRONICLES 3:15,16 (whoever he was) determined the evangelist's second period of fourteen generations. But there is much dispute, both about the Jechonias who is here mentioned, and the sons of Josiah as they are reckoned up 1 CHRONICLES 3:15, where it is said: _The sons... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:12

This Jechonias 1 CHRONICLES 3:17 is generally thought to be Jehoiachin, the son of Jehoiakin; he is called _Jeconiah_, 1 CHRONICLES 3:16, as well as _Jehoiachin_, 2 CHRONICLES 36:8; so also he is called _Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim_, JEREMIAH 24:1. That this Jechonias begat Salathiel \Ezra 3:2, Ez... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:15

Ver. 13-15. Here are divers objections made to this last part of the genealogy, and in a great measure caused from the difference between Matthew and Luke; but I shall not attempt any reconciliation of those differences till I come to LUKE 3:23. There is no _Abiud_ reckoned amongst the sons of Zorob... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:16

How Luke cometh to make Joseph the son of Heli we shall inquire (if God please) when we come to his third chapter: but from this verse ariseth a very grave question, viz. How, or wherefore, the evangelist, in deriving the pedigree of Christ, bringeth the line down to Joseph, from whom our Saviour di... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:17

The evangelist, for reasons which we cannot fathom, reduces our Saviour's progenitors to _fourteen_ in each period of the Jewish state; and in the first period, determining with David, there were no more. In the second, he leaveth out three kings descended from the daughter of Ahab. In the third, wh... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:18

The evangelist prefaceth this extraordinary birth of our Saviour in this manner. NOW THE BIRTH OR JESUS CHRIST WAS ON THIS WISE; not in the ordinary course and manner in which children are conceived and brought forth into the world (_ with child of the Holy Ghost_ LUKE 1:35), but in this wonderful m... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:19

OLBGrk; It was found she was with child, possibly herself or some of her friends told it to Joseph her espoused husband; it is plain from this text he came to the knowledge of it, for upon it, the evangelist saith, he WAS MINDED TO PUT HER AWAY PRIVILY. Had Joseph at this time heard and believed tha... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:20

What we have in this verse assures us, that Joseph was not only inclined, by the kindness and benignity of his own natural temper, and by his charity, to that moderate resolution he had taken up, but also more immediately influenced by God, who was now sending a messenger to him to tell him what he... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:21

When the usual time of women is accomplished, SHE SHALL BRING FORTH A SON, AND THOU SHALT CALL HIS NAME JESUS. He shall not be thy natural son, but he shall be her son, not begot by thee, but brought forth by her, so flesh of her flesh. His name shall be called Jesus by thee, or by his mother. It is... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:23

OLBHeb; Ver. 22,23. By these great acts of Divine Providence, that which was spoken and prophesied of by Isaiah, ISAIAH 7:14, speaking by inspiration from God, was fulfilled. Though things are said in the evangelists to be fulfilled when the types have had their accomplishment in the antitype, and w... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:25

Ver. 24,25. The will of God (as we heard) was revealed to Joseph in a dream. It is God that giveth a power to sleep, and a power to awake; therefore it is said, _being raised from sleep, _ he showed both his faith and obedience; his faith in the Divine revelation, a certainty of which he had doubtle... [ Continue Reading ]

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