MATTHEW CHAPTER 10 MATTHEW 10:1 Christ sendeth out his twelve apostles
with power to do miracles. MATTHEW 10:5 He instructs them, MATTHEW
10:16 and forewarning them of persecutions, suggests motives of
comfort and constancy. MATTHEW 10:40 He promiseth a blessing to those
who should receive them. Mar... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:4".... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:4".... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 2-4. Mark reckoneth up the same persons, MARK 3:16, with some
additions, which we shall consider as we come at the persons whom they
concern. _Apostles_ signifies persons sent; the term applied to
Christ's disciples signifies the persons that were first sent by him
to preach the gospel.... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:6".... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 5,6. Here Christ limiteth their ministry to the Jews. The apostle
tells us, ROMANS 15:8, _Christ was a minister of the circumcision for
the truth of God, to conform the promises made unto the fathers; _ and
the apostle tells the Jews, ACTS 13:46, _It was necessary that the
word of God should fi... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:8".... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 7,8. In these words he gives them power,
1. To preach the gospel.
2. To confirm the doctrine they preached to be of God by miraculous
operations, healing the sick, cleansing lepers, raising the dead,
casting out devils. He bids them GO PREACH, Khrussete, Cry like
heralds; something li... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:10".... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 9,10. Our Saviour having in the last verse commanded them to give
freely, they might reasonably be thinking that they had need to
provide well for their journey. No, saith our Saviour, PROVIDE NEITHER
GOLD, NOR SILVER, NOR BRASS, & c. That this was but a temporary
precept, the will of God conce... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:15".... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:15".... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:15".... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:15".... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 11-15. Our Lord had before set them their limits, and appointed
them their work, and directed them as to their accoutrements for their
journey; here he directeth them their methods. Luke hath much of the
same instructions, LUKE 10:4, but applied to the seventy, not to the
twelve. Mark hath some... [ Continue Reading ]
Our Lord having hitherto instructed his twelve apostles as to the
places whither they were to go, the work they had to do, and the
methods he would have them observe, now comes to arm them against
their difficulties, and the temptations they were like to meet with. I
SEND YOU FORTH (saith he) AS SHE... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:18".... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 17,18. The last word, GENTILES, maketh it plain, that our blessed
Lord is not here arming his disciples so much against any opposition
they were like to meet with upon this their first going out, for they
were not to go to the Gentiles, as those they should meet with some
years after hi... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:20".... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 19,20. Mark hath much the same, MARK 13:11; so hath Luke, LUKE
11:11,12. The apostles being men but of an ordinary education before
Christ called them, he might reasonably suppose that they would not
appear before councils, and kings, and governors without some
abashment, having not been accust... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:22".... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 21,22. Luke speaketh much the same, LUKE 21:16,17, though as
spoken upon another occasion. Our Saviour here tells them, that the
persecutions would reach even to death itself, and that the malice of
the world against him and his gospel should proceed so far, as to
extinguish all natural affecti... [ Continue Reading ]
Whether this text at all warrants ministers flight in a time of
persecution I doubt; it seemeth to be a special command given to the
apostles, that they might have a time before the coming of Christ,
here spoken of, to preach the gospel over all the cities of Israel.
But that in some cases it is law... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:25".... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 24,25. As much as if he had said, "Think not much if you meet
with persecutions: I am your Lord and Master, you are my servants and
household; you have no reason to look for better measure from the
world than I your Lord meet with; it is honour enough for you to be
used as well as I am. You kno... [ Continue Reading ]
This is a proverbial speech, used by our Saviour upon more occasions
than this, MARK 4:22 LUKE 8:17, LUKE 12:2. As to his present use of
it, the sense is, "Though my gospel be now covered and hid, yet it
shall be revealed and made known." Or, "Though your innocency be hid
and covered, yet God shall... [ Continue Reading ]
The candle of the gospel, which God hath by John the Baptist and me
lighted up, is not to be hid; though therefore you have it from me in
private, yet do you publish it. I do as it were whisper it in your ear
by private discourses, and in a private converse, but it shall be made
as public as if it w... [ Continue Reading ]
As I told you before, you will in the publication of my gospel meet
with opposition from men. Now that it is preached as it were in
darkness, and whispered in men's ears, there is no great noise made in
the world; but the case will be otherwise when it cometh to be
publicly revealed, and published u... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:31".... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:31".... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 29-31. Besides, consider, there is a God that governs the world,
and by his providence influences and watcheth over the most minute and
invaluable beings in it, and preserveth and upholdeth them; it
extendeth to the very hairs of your head, and to a sparrow (two of
which are sold ordinarily for... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:33".... [ Continue Reading ]
As this is a time for you publicly to own me, so there will be a time
(in the day of judgment) for me to confess and publicly own you,
_before the angels of God_ (which Luke addeth to this sentence,
MATTHEW 12:8): as men deal with me in this life, so I shall deal with
them in that day. Our Saviour s... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:35".... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 34,35. Luke hath much the same with MATTHEW 10:34, in LUKE 12:51.
As the Jews were much mistaken in their notion of the Messiah, as if
he were to be a temporal prince, to restore the kingdom to Israel, and
as the kingdom, so a peaceful kingdom; so many persons think still
that where true religi... [ Continue Reading ]
Not of the household of faith, which showeth that it is not the
gospel, but men's corruptions, which causeth division. Those, who
truly receive the gospel agree well enough, at least break not out
into open feuds; but the tie of no natural or moral relations will
hold together the seed of the woman... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke seemeth to speak higher, LUKE 14:26, _If any man come to me, and
hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren,
and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple._
But the sense is the same, for by hatred there is only meant
displacency, and a setting the... [ Continue Reading ]
We have much the same in MATTHEW 16:24 MARK 8:34 LUKE 9:23; It is not
he that maketh not, but HE THAT TAKETH NOT HIS CROSS; that is, he that
doth not willingly, and cheerfully, and patiently bear and undergo
those trials, and afflictions, and persecutions, which God in the way
of his providence shal... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Thessalonians 12:25, giveth us a commentary upon these words thus,
_He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in
this world shall keep it unto life eternal._ He in this text is said
to find his life, who thinks that he hath found, that is, saved it,
who is so much in love... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:42".... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:42".... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 40-42. HE THAT RECEIVETH YOU RECEIVETH ME, &C.; we have the same
LUKE 10:16, only there it is, _he that heareth you heareth me; _ and
there is added, _and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that
despiseth me despiseth him that sent me._ In 1 THESSALONIANS 13:20, it
is, _Verily, verily,... [ Continue Reading ]