Matthew 14:1

MATTHEW CHAPTER 14 MATTHEW 14:1,2 Herod's opinion of Christ. MATTHEW 14:3 The cause and manner of John the Baptist's death. MATTHEW 14:13 Jesus departeth into a desert place, and feedeth there five thousand men with five loaves and two fishes. MATTHEW 14:22 He walketh on the sea to his disciples, MA... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:2

Ver. 1,2. This and the following history is related by Mark more largely, MARK 6:14; by Luke more shortly, LUKE 9:7. We heard before, that the Romans, under whom the Jews now were, had altered the government of the Jews from a kingdom to a tetrarchy, or government of four. Luke telleth us who were t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:3

Mark saith, MARK 6:17, FOR HE HAD MARRIED HER. Whether this Philip was Herod's brother both by father and mother, is argued by some, as also whether he married her during the life of his brother: the Scripture satisfieth us not in these things, but it is most probable that Philip was his own brother... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:4

Mark telleth us, MARK 6:20, that _Herod feared, _ that is, reverenced and respected, _John, knowing that he was a just man and an holy, and observed him; and when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly._ John was very popular, and all men counted him as a prophet; so that probably He... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:5

At first he had some reverence for John because he was a good man, but either John, by the frequent checks he gave to his lust, or Herodias, by her continual importunities to Herod to revenge her of her great enemy, prevailed, and made Herod willing enough to put him to death; but now he was afraid... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:7

Mark relates this more fully, but the sense is the same, MATTHEW 6:21, _And when a convenient day was come, that Herod on his birthday made a supper to his lords, high captains, and chief estates of Galilee; and when the daughter of the said Herodias came in, and danced, and pleased Herod and them t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:8

Mark, MARK 6:24,25, reports it more largely: _And she went forth, and said unto her mother, What shall I ask? And she said, The head of John the Baptist. And she came in straightway with haste to the king, and asked, saying, I will that thou give me by and by in a charger the head of John the Baptis... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:11

Ver. 9-11. Mark relates it more largely, in MARK 6:26, _And the king was exceeding sorry; yet for his oath's sake, and for their sake which sat with him, he would not reject her. And immediately the king sent an executioner, and commanded his head to be brought: and he went and beheaded him in the p... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:12

The disciples of John, in testimony of their respect to their master, and of their owning of his doctrine, and grateful remembrance of him, hearing what Herod had done, came and took up John's body, and buried it in a tomb, and they soon after went and acquainted our Saviour with what had happened;... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:14

Ver. 13,14. Mark hath the same, MARK 6:32. Our Lord knew that the time for his suffering was not yet come, and possibly consulted also the safety of his disciples. The people follow him on foot; but our Saviour going by sea, how could the people follow him on foot? It is answered, that it was but a... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:15

The following miracle being an evident confirmation of the Godhead of Christ, is recorded by all the evangelists: by Matthew here; by Mark, MARK 6:35, &c; by Luke, MATTHEW 9:10, &c.; by John, MATTHEW 6:1, &c. These words lead us to it, and show us the occasion of it. Our Saviour was withdrawn to a m... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:16

John relates the story thus: _When Jesus lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat? And this he said to prove him: for he himself knew what he would do. Philip answered him. Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not su... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:21

Ver. 17-21. In the relation of this story by the other evangelists there is no difference in what is material; the others relate some circumstances more, as that they sat down on the grass, and _by fifties_, one saith, _by hundreds and by fifties, _ & c.; but they all agree in the quantity of the pr... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:22

Mark saith, MARK 6:45, _before unto, _ or over against, _Bethsaida._ Christ is said to have constrained them, to denote to us that they were not very willing to go. They were in a desert place, it was towards night, the day was far spent ere he wrought the miracle before mentioned; probably they wer... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:23

John saith no more than that he departed himself into a mountain alone. Matthew and Mark say it was to pray. From whence (as from others places of holy writ) the duty of secret prayer is commended to us by the great example of our Saviour: he chooseth the mountain for it, as a place of greatest priv... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:27

While our Saviour was praying on the mount the ship which carried his disciples was upon the sea, that is, that creek of the sea which they were at that time passing over. A storm ariseth, not without the counsel of God, that Christ might show that both the winds and the waves were under his command... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:31

Ver. 29-31. Peter, by saying _if it be thou, _ showed that his faith was not so strong as it should have been, after he had heard his Master's voice. By his saying to him, BID ME COME UNTO THEE ON THE WATER, he showeth a something stronger faith, and a resolution to obey his command; but his fear af... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:33

Ver. 32-33. _They, _ that is, Christ and Peter, whom we must suppose to have walked some way with Christ upon the sea. Christ by his company making his mighty power more conspicuous; so as the Manichees had no reason to conclude, from Christ's walking on the sea, that he had no true human body, for... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:36

OLBGrk; Ver. 34-36. Mark relates the same, MARK 6:53, with no difference considerable. Christ had been in this country before, MATTHEW 8:1, and in it wrought several miracles, so as they had a former knowledge of him. As soon as thy had knowledge of his being again come, they express their faith in... [ Continue Reading ]

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