Matthew 15:1

MATTHEW CHAPTER 15 MATTHEW 15:1 Christ reproveth the scribes and Pharisees for setting their own traditions above the commandments of God. MATTHEW 15:10 He teacheth that not that which goeth into the mouth, but that which cometh out of it, defileth a man. MATTHEW 15:21 He healeth the daughter of a w... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:2

OLBGrk; Ver. 1,2. Mark relates this piece of history more largely, MARK 7:1, _Then came together unto him the Pharisees, and certain, of the scribes, which came from Jerusalem. And when they saw some of his disciples eat bread with defiled, that is to say, with unwashen, hands, they found fault. For... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:3

Mark hath the same, MARK 7:9, though a little out of the order in which Matthew hath it: _Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition._ Our Saviour could have answered them, had he pleased, more strictly to their questions, but he must then either have incurred da... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:6

Ver. 4-6. Mark hath much the same, MARK 7:10. Mark saith _Moses said, _ which is the same with _God commanded:_ God commanded by Moses. Mark saith, _It is Corban, that is to say, a gift._ Mark addeth, MARK 7:12, _And ye suffer him no more to do aught for his father or mother; _ which more fully show... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:9

OLBGrk; Ver. 7-9. The Greek is, didaskontev didaskaliav, teaching doctrines, the commandments of men. YE HYPOCRITES, who put on an outward vizard or appearance of holiness, but have nothing in your hearts of true and severe piety, WELL DID ISAIAH PROPHESY OF YOU: Isaiah spake to the Jews that were t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:11

Ver. 10,11. Mark hath the same, MARK 7:15. Our Saviour turns off his discourse from the Pharisees and scribes, who he saw were indocible, to the multitude, in whom he discerned a more teachable temper: he useth the preface, HEAR, AND UNDERSTAND, as well knowing how they had been taught, and what an... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:12

The Pharisees offence was, without question, at his making so light a matter at their washings; not that they understood our Saviour as speaking against the distinction of meats, which was established by the ceremonial law, not as yet abrogated. There is nothing doth more offend hypocrites than pres... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:14

Ver. 13,14. EVERY PLANT may be understood of doctrines, practices, or persons. These scribes and Pharisees are a wretched generation, that are got into the sheepfold not at the door; my Father never sent them, they are crept in at the windows, they are plants got into my garden, which my Father neve... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:16

Ver. 15,16. Mark saith, _his disciples asked him concerning the parable._ Peter probably began, the rest followed. Or Peter speaks in the name of the rest, for our Saviour in his answer doth not say, Art thou, but, ARE YE. They did well in that they desired to be instructed what the meaning was of t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:20

Ver. 17-20. Mark hath this, with very small difference in words, MARK 7:18; only he specifies some more sins than Matthew enumerates. The sum of what our Saviour saith is this: That all sin proceedeth from lust, some desires in the heart of man after things forbidden in the law of God. All the tickl... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:21

Mark addeth, MARK 7:24, _and entered into an house, and would have no man know it; but he could not be hid._ Some here make a question, whether our Saviour did go into Phoenicia, (of which Tyre and Sidon were the principal cities), or only into the coasts of Palestine, next to it: those that think h... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:23

Ver. 22,23. Mark saith, _A certain woman, whose young daughter had an unclean spirit, heard of him, and came and fell at his feet: the woman was a Greek, a Syrophenician by nation; and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter. But Jesus said unto her, Let the children... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:24

Our Lord by these words doth not deny but that he was sent as a Redeemer to more, but not as a minister, or as an _apostle, _ as he is called, HEBREWS 3:1. The apostle, ROMANS 15:8, saith, _that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God to confirm the promises made unto th... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:25

She here acknowledgeth his Divine power, and implores his help; thus showing that she believed him to be the Son of God, and a rewarder of those that sought him; and continues her request after two repulses.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:26

Mark saith, MARK 7:27, _Jesus said unto her, Let the children first be filled; for it is not meet, &c._ By the _children_ here he means the Jews, by the _dogs_ he means the heathen. The Jews are called the children of the kingdom. Israel is called God's _son, _ his _firstborn,_ EXODUS 4:22. The apos... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:27

Mark reports it to the same sense, MARK 7:28. She goeth on after three repulses, the last of which was not without a reproach, for our Lord had implicitly called her a dog. These words are as much as if she had said, Lord, I confess the Jews are children; I am a dog, a poor heathen, no proper member... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:28

Mark saith, MARK 7:29, _And he said unto her. For this saying go thy way; the devil is gone out of thy daughter. And when she was come to her house, she found the devil gone out, and her daughter laid upon the bed._ O woman! For this saying, showing the greatness of thy faith, be it unto thee as tho... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:31

Ver. 29-31. Mark gives us an account of this motion of our Saviour s, MARK 7:31, and mentions a particular miracle which our Lord wrought, either in the way, or when he came to the place where he rested; which not being mentioned by our evangelist, I shall consider when I come to that chapter in Mar... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:39

Ver. 32-39. Mark gives us an account of this miracle, MARK 8:1. There is very little difference in their relations, only Mark saith, our Saviour went _into the parts of Dalmanutha; _ Matthew saith, INTO THE COASTS OF MAGDALA: most think that it was the same place, which had two names: some think one... [ Continue Reading ]

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