Matthew 16:1

MATTHEW CHAPTER SUMMARY MATTHEW 16:1 The Pharisees require a sign. MATTHEW 16:5 Jesus warns his disciples against the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees, and explains his meaning. MATTHEW 16:13 The people's opinion, and Peter's confession, of Christ. MATTHEW 16:21 Jesus foreshows his own death, a... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:3

Ver. 2,3. You can, saith our Saviour, make observations upon the works of God in nature and common providence, and from such observations you can make conclusions; if you see the sky red in the evening, you can conclude from thence that the morrow will be fair, because you think that the redness of... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:4

We meet with the same answer given to the Pharisees, MATTHEW 12:39. You pretend yourselves to be the children of Abraham, but you are bastards rather than his children; he saw my day afar off and rejoiced, you will not believe though you see me amongst you, and at your doors; he believed without any... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:7

Ver. 5-7. Mark saith, MARK 8:14, _Now the disciples had forgotten to take bread, neither had they in the ship with them more than one loaf. And he charged them, saying, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod. And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:12

Ver. 8-12. Mark, giving us an account of this passage, MARK 8:17, useth some harsher expressions: _And when Jesus knew it, he saith unto them, Why reason ye, because ye have no bread? Perceive ye not yet, neither understand? Have ye your eyes yet hardened? Having eyes, see ye not? And having ears, h... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:14

OLBGrk; Ver. 13,14. This, and the following part of this discourse, is related both by Mark and Luke. Mark hath it, MARK 8:27, _And Jesus went out, and his disciples, into the towns of Caesarea Philippi: and by the way he asked his disciples, saying unto them, Whom do men say that I am? And they ans... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:16

Ver. 15,16. Mark saith, MARK 8:29, _Thou art the Christ._ Luke saith, LUKE 9:20, _Peter answering said, The Christ of God, _ that is, the Messiah. You that are my disciples and apostles, what is your opinion of me? Our Lord expects not only faith in our hearts, but the confession of our lips, ROMANS... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:17

Our Lord appeareth here to be mightily pleased with this confession of Peter and the rest of his disciples, (for we shall observe in the Gospel, that Peter was usually the first in speaking, 1 THESSALONIANS 6:68), he pronounces him BLESSED, and giveth the reason of it afterward. SIMON BAR-JONA, that... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:18

OLBGrk; AND I SAY ALSO UNTO THEE, THAT THOU ART PETER: Christ gave him this name, 1 THESSALONIANS 1:42, when his brother Andrew first brought him to Christ. I did not give thee the name of Cephas, or Peter, for nothing, (for what Cephas signifieth in the Syriac Peter signifieth in the Greek), I call... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:19

AND I WILL GIVE UNTO THEE; not unto thee exclusively, that is, to thee and no others; for as we no where read of any such power used by Peter, so our Saviour's first question, Whom think you that I am? Letteth us know that his speech, though directed to Peter only, (who in the name of the rest first... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:20

We met with some charges of this nature before, given to those whom he had miraculously cured, that they should tell no man of it, MATTHEW 2:4; MATTHEW 8:30; but this seemeth to differ from them. There he only forbade the publication of his miracles; here he forbids them preaching that Jesus was the... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:21

Our Lord taught his hearers by degrees, as they were able to hear and to bear his instruction. He therefore first instructs them in the truth of his Divine nature, and bringeth them to a firm and steady assent to this proposition, That he was the Christ, the Son of God. Lest they should have this fa... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:22

OLBGrk; Peter took our Lord aside, as we do our friend to whom we would speak something which we would not have all to hear, AND BEGAN TO REBUKE HIM; epitiman, to reprove him, as men often do their familiar friends, when they judge they have spoken something beneath them, or that might turn to thei... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:23

OLBGrk; Peter, thou thinkest that by this discourse thou showest some kindness unto me, like a friend, but thou art in this an adversary to me; for so the word _Satan_ doth signify, and is therefore ordinarily applied to the devil, who is the grand adversary of mankind. GET THEE BEHIND ME, I abomina... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:24

Mark hath the same, MARK 8:34, and Luke, LUKE 9:23; only Mark saith, _when he had called the people unto him with his disciples; _ Luke saith, _he said to them all._ He spake it to his disciples, but not privately, but before all the rest of the people, who at that time were present. IF ANY MAN WILL... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:26

Our interpreters, by translating the same word soul in this verse which they had translated _life_ MATTHEW 16:25, let us know that they understood it here of that essential part of man which we call the soul, in which sense it could not be understood in that verse, for it is impossible in that sense... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:27

OLBGrk; This verse makes it plain, that our Saviour by quch in the former verse understood the soul of man, or eternal life, that blessed state which is prepared for the saints of God; for he here minds them that there shall be a last judgment, and gives them a little description of it. 1. As to t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:28

Mark saith, MARK 9:1, _till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power;_ LUKE 9:27, saith no more than _till they see the kingdom of God. There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, _ that is, that shall not die. HEBREWS 2:9. It is the same with not seeing death, 1 THESSALONI... [ Continue Reading ]

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