Matthew 19:1

MATTHEW CHAPTER 19 MATTHEW 19:1 Christ healeth the sick, MATTHEW 19:3 answereth the question of the Pharisees concerning divorce, and the objection of his disciples to the expediency of marriage, MATTHEW 19:13 receiveth little children with tenderness, MATTHEW 19:16 instructs a young man how to atta... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:2

OLBGrk; Ver. 1,2. Most interpreters agree that both Mark, MARK 10:1, and LUKE 9:51, make mention of the same motion of our Saviour out of Galilee into the province of Judea which is here expressed, though Luke and John mention, something largely, some things done in the way, of which Matthew speaket... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:3

Our Saviour, though yet at some distance from Jerusalem, was come into that province where the Pharisees had the greatest power, and were in greater numbers: now they come to him, TEMPTING HIM; where the word _tempting_ rather signifies, generally, making a trial of him, than strictly, soliciting hi... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:6

Ver. 4-6. Mark, MARK 10:2, giveth us the same history of this discourse, differing a little in the order of the words, but nothing as to the substance of his discourse. Our Saviour answereth neither Yea nor Nay to their discourse, but gives them a fair occasion to answer themselves, and tacitly char... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:8

Ver. 7,8. Mark reports this a little differently, MARK 10:3 &c., as if Christ had first _said unto them. What did Moses command you? And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement, and to put her away. And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:9

We met with the like determination of our Lord's upon this question MATTHEW 5:32, only there it was (instead of committeth adultery) causeth her to commit adultery, that is, in case she married again. Here our Lord saith the like of the husband: we have the same, MARK 10:11 LUKE 16:18. The reason is... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:10

This is a very strange saying, and discovers to us both the imperfect state of Christ's disciples, and also the tyranny of a sinful practice grown up into a custom. The Jews had assumed a liberty of turning their wives out of doors upon every light and trivial offence or dislike; the disciples think... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:12

Ver. 11,12. Our Saviour, knowing the sinful custom and practice of the Jewish nation now for many years, and giving some allowance for that, and his disciples infirmities; so he doth not answer them severely, as what they said might deserve, but reproves them gently. What he saith amounts to thus mu... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:13

Mark saith, MARK 10:13, and Luke saith, LUKE 18:15, they were brought that he should touch them. A doubt may from this text arise in the reader's mind, for what purpose the parents or nurses did bring these young children to Christ. It was not for baptism, for he baptized none himself, 1 THESSALONIA... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:15

Ver. 14,15. Both Mark and Luke add something to this story. Mark saith, MARK 10:14, _When Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:16

This history is reported by Mark, MARK 10:17 and by Luke, LUKE 18:18. Mark saith, _When he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do, that I may inherit eternal life?_ Luke saith, _A certain ruler asked him._ Our Lord was now... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:17

Mark omits the latter clause, and only saith, _Thou knowest the commandments; _ so saith Luke, LUKE 18:19,20. Our Saviour's design here was, not to show this young man by this answer the way by which it was possible that he or any other might come to heaven, but only to convince him of the errors of... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:19

Ver. 18,19. Mark addeth, _defraud not,_ MARK 10:19, but Luke doth not put it in, LUKE 18:20. Three things we may observe: 1. There are no commandments mentioned but those of the second table. 2. Nor are they reckoned up in order. 3. The tenth commandment is expressed by, _Thou shalt love thy neigh... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:20

Those words, WHAT LACK I YET? are not in Mark or Luke. The young man understood these commandments according to the Pharisees interpretation of them, who, as we heard, MATTHEW 5:1, interpreted them only as prohibiting the overt acts, not the inward lusts and motions of the heart, together with the m... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:21

Mark repeats it thus, MARK 10:21, _Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me._ Luke, LUKE 18:22, repeats it as Matthew,... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:22

Mark saith the same, MARK 10:22; so doth Luke, LUKE 18:23. He was sorry that he had ever propounded the question, or that the terms were such as his covetous heart could not comply with. He would have had heaven if he could have had it cheap; or, it may be, he would have parted with something for it... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:24

Ver. 23,24. Mark saith, MARK 10:23, _And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them tha... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:26

Ver. 25,26. Mark saith, _They were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves, _ & c. All three evangelists agree in the same substance of the other words. But why are the disciples amazed? or why do they say, Who then can be saved? Are there not in all places more poor than rich persons? Th... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:28

Ver. 27,28. Mark and Luke repeateth the words of Peter in part, but neither of them have this part of our Lord's answer, particularly respecting his apostles. We heard before, MATTHEW 4:18, of Peter, and Andrew, and James, and John, forsaking all and following of Christ, when he called them; the oth... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:29

Mark saith, MARK 10:29,30, _for my sake, and the gospel s, but he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life._ Luke saith, LUKE 18:29,30, _for the kingdom of God's sa... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 19:30

So saith Mark, MARK 10:31. We have much the same sentence, LUKE 13:30 MATTHEW 20:16. The Jews that are counted now the first, nearest to the kingdom of heaven, shall have no place there; and the Gentiles, looked upon as most remote from it, shall be admitted into it. The Pharisees and great doctors,... [ Continue Reading ]

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