MATTHEW CHAPTER 6 MATTHEW 6:1 Christ continuing his sermon, giveth
directions about alms giving, MATTHEW 6:5 prayer, MATTHEW 6:14
forgiving our brethren, MATTHEW 6:16 fasting, MATTHEW 6:19 laying up
treasure in heaven, MATTHEW 6:22 keeping a single eye, MATTHEW 6:24
and exhorteth not to be anxious a... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 6:3".... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 6:4".... [ Continue Reading ]
There are some who think that our Saviour here reflects upon some
practice of the Pharisees then in use for ostentation, who, under a
pretence of a means to call people together, caused a trumpet to be
sounded when they distributed their alms; but those learned in their
writings assure us they could... [ Continue Reading ]
Our Saviour here cautions them against the same thing in prayer, as he
had done before in giving alms, viz. hypocrisy and ostentation, doing
this duty upon that design, merely to be taken notice of and applauded
by men; it was lawful to pray STANDING IN THE SYNAGOGUES, but not to
do it merely to be... [ Continue Reading ]
By this public prayer is not condemned, but secret prayer is
established, and made every Christian's duty; and Christians are
warned not to think that their duty of prayer is discharged by their
going to places of public worship, and praying there: but that which
our Saviour here cautions us against... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 6:8".... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 7,8. It appeareth from hence, and from what followeth also, that
the praying here spoken of is vocal prayer; not the mere homage which
the heart payeth to God, by a recognition of him as the fountain of
all good, and our secret desires that God would supply our wants, but
the expression of thos... [ Continue Reading ]
Not always in these words, but always to this sense, and in this
manner. None ever thought Christians obliged to use no other words
than these in prayer, though none must deny the lawfulness of using
those words which Christ hath sanctified. AFTER THIS MANNER; first
seeking the kingdom of God, and b... [ Continue Reading ]
Let the Lord rule over all the nations of the earth, and let them be
freely subject to his laws, and to his Son Jesus Christ; let the
gospel of the kingdom be published, and prosper, by bringing all
thoughts into a captivity to it. And let the kingdom of God come more
within the hearts of all men, a... [ Continue Reading ]
And forasmuch as in thee we live, and move, and have our life, so the
means for the upholding and the preserving of our lives, and the
blessing upon them, must be from thee. We beseech thee to give us food
convenient for us, that which thou hast ordained for our nourishment
and preservation; and tha... [ Continue Reading ]
Our Saviour here doth not teach us the order in which we should pray
for good things for ourselves, only in three petitions comprehends
whatsoever we should ask of God. For doubtless we are obliged,
according to MATTHEW 6:32, first to seek the kingdom of God, and the
righteousness thereof. That by o... [ Continue Reading ]
The term temptation in the general signifieth a trial, and is
sometimes used to express God's trials of his people's faith and
obedience, but most ordinarily to express Satan's trials of us, by
motions to sin; which may be from our own lusts, JAMES 1:13,14; or
from the devil, who is therefore called... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 6:15".... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 14,15. Not that our mere forgiving our brethren the injuries done
unto us is all that God requireth of us in order to the forgiveness we
expect from him, the contrary is plain from several other texts, 1
THESSALONIANS 3:18,36 AC 2:38 16:31 &c.; but that without this
forgiveness of our brethren,... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 6:18".... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 6:18".... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 16-18. Our Saviour in these words returns to his former work, to
caution his disciples against hypocrisy, vain glory, and ostentation
in their religious duties, the doing them to be seen of men. What he
before said as to giving alms and prayer, he here again applies as to
private fasting, which... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 6:21".... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 6:21".... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 19-21. A TREASURE (according to the notation of the word)
signifieth something laid up for tomorrow, for future time; more
largely it signifieth any riches, or what we judge a valuable portion.
Make not the things of the earth your riches, or portion, with
reference to future time; for all the... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 6:23".... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 22,23. You had need look to your hearts, your understanding,
judgment, and affections; for look what proportion there is betwixt
your bodily eye and the rest of the bodily members, with regard to
their guidance and conduct, the same proportion there is betwixt your
heart and whole conversation,... [ Continue Reading ]
NO MAN CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS, that is, two masters that command
contrary things each to other, for that is the present case of God and
mammon. Or, No man with the like diligence, and alacrity, and
faithfulness, can serve two masters. It is a proverbial speech, and in
reason to be understood of contr... [ Continue Reading ]
This text must not be interpreted in a sense contradictory to those
many other texts, which forbid an idle life, an command us in the
sweat of our face to eat our bread, or to provide for our families, 2
THESSALONIANS 3:10,11 1 TIMOTHY 5:8: nor did Christ himself live such
a life; he went about doin... [ Continue Reading ]
God takes care of all his creatures. For example, consider THE FOWLS,
and those not the tame fowls about your houses, but the fowls of the
air, for whom the housewife's hand doth not provide, neither hath God
fitted them for any labour by which they can procure their livelihood,
nor doth he require... [ Continue Reading ]
How vain a thing is it to distract yourselves with anxious thoughts
about your body and your life! All your thinking will not add a cubit
to your stature: as your being and existence derives from God, so the
increase of your stature depends upon him; likewise he maketh the
child to grow to the just... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 6:30".... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 6:30".... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 28-30. From sensitive creatures our Lord proceedeth to
vegetables, an order of creatures which have more than mere being,
they have also life, though no sense, but yet two degrees beneath man,
wanting not only reason, but sense. He shows us from an instance in
these, that we have no more reason... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 6:32".... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 31,32. Our Lord repeateth the precept before given, MATTHEW 6:25,
wherein he forbids not all moderate and provident thoughts for things
necessary, but only such thoughts as shall argue our distrust in God,
or perplex and distract our minds, or be inconsistent with our duty,
and the employment o... [ Continue Reading ]
comprehensive of whatsoever appertaineth to the honour and glory of
God, either as means, or as the end. Let your principal care and study
be how to get to heaven, and how to promote the kingdom of God in the
world; to bring your he... [ Continue Reading ]
No such thoughts as before mentioned, for God will provide for you
tomorrow when tomorrow cometh. Besides, every new day will bring forth
some new cares; you know not what tomorrow will bring forth, nor what
you will have need of tomorrow; and if you did, why should you torment
yourselves before the... [ Continue Reading ]