Micah 2:1

MICAH CHAPTER 2 God's judgment against oppression, MICAH 2:1. A lamentation for the removal of his people, MICAH 2:4. A reproof for their injustice and delight in false prophets, MICAH 2:7. A promise of restoration, MICAH 2:12,13. The prophet now denounceth judgment against oppressors in particular,... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 2:2

AND THEY, who devised mischief, MICAH 2:1, COVET FIELDS; first set their minds upon their meaner neighbour's estate, think how convenient it lieth to theirs, as Ahab thought Naboth's did for him. AND TAKE THEM BY VIOLENCE; by power wrest the estates out of their hands, at their own rate; or, if they... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 2:3

THEREFORE; for this great, inhuman, cruel oppression. Thus saith the Lord; the Lord by his prophet declareth what he will do, and adviseth them to consider it, for it is a most manifest retaliation or punishing the offenders, so that every one may see God deals with them, as they dealt with their op... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 2:4

IN THAT DAY; when God shall retaliate, as MICAH 2:3, when he shall by the Assyrian captivity fulfil what hero is threatened by the prophet. SHALL ONE TAKE UP; there shall be taken up, or be in common ordinary use among those that know what is befallen you. A PARABLE; or taunting, scorning proverb; t... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 2:5

THEREFORE; because your sins, so great, universal, and incorrigible, have provoked God to frame and design this desolation against you, and because he will punish you according to your ways. THOU; either oppressor, spoken thus as to one, that it might comprehend every one of them, who are described... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 2:6

PROPHESY YE NOT; it is manifest that our version here intends this as an interdict, or prohibition, laid upon the true prophets, whose hearers were so far from amending and turning unto God in compliance with his counsel, and obedience to his commands given out by his prophets, that rulers and peopl... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 2:7

NAMED; you are in name, not in truth, you call yourselves, and would be called by others, the seed and posterity of Jacob. THE HOUSE OF JACOB; you glory in Jacob, whom God blessed, guided, and preserved, and you think he should so bless you; but you nothing think how Jacob feared, obeyed, and worshi... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 2:8

This verse to me seems to be designed as a proof of the perverseness and iniquity of this people, and consequently a justifying of God, and his prophet, threatening severity against them: they flattered themselves, and were angry with the prophet; but God doth in these words convince them that they... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 2:9

THE WOMEN; the poor disconsolate widows, whose husbands you had first slain with the sword of war, or unjustly condemned to death; or else the wives of husbands whom you had oppressed, and by perverted judgment had condemned to forfeit their estates. OF MY PEOPLE: this aggravates the sin, that this... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 2:10

ARISE YE, AND DEPART; you inhabitants of Israel, especially you oppressors, bestir yourselves. and prepare for your departure out of this land; for, will ye nill ye, so it is, you shall be carried away: the words also may fairly be applied to the oppressed, to lessen the troubles they were under, an... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 2:11

This people were weary of true prophets, and silenced them, MICAH 2:6, but they were fondly taken with the false prophets, and what these promised them; and these, as here described, are by a dreadful judgment on this people permitted, or left to deceive them. IF A MAN WALKING IN THE SPIRIT AND FALS... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 2:12

There are three different interpretations of this verse, of which it is hard to say which is most agreeable to the intent of this scripture; I will propose all three, and leave each reader to choose for himself. First, Some will that these words be a continuation of the false prophet's preaching pro... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 2:13

In the opinion of those who account the 12th verse to be part of the flattering discourse of false prophets, this verse is the prophet Micah's reply to those false teachers; so far is it from truth that God will restore the remnant, and establish them, that he assures them the contrary will surely a... [ Continue Reading ]

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