Micah 3:1

MICAH CHAPTER 3 Micah reproveth the cruelty of the princes, MICAH 3:1, and the falsehood of the prophets, MICAH 3:5. His zeal in showing the sins of the princes, priests, and prophets, and their illgrounded security, MICAH 3:8. AND I SAID: in further discharge of his prophetic office, and his direct... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 3:2

WHO HATE THE GOOD: in practice and affection these rulers were directly contrary to what they should have been and done, they hated not only to do good, but they hated the good which was to be done, and those that did it; and what kind of men may we judge they were who hated good men, and what was g... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 3:3

EAT; maintain themselves and their followers, nay, live in luxury and excess, revelling in banquets and feasts, as the word is many times used, AMOS 6:4. THE FLESH; the estates, goods, and livelihood of their subjects, neighbours, and brethren. MY PEOPLE; whom I have chosen, maintained, and allotted... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 3:4

THEN; when that time and those miseries which Micah foretells shall come upon them, MICAH 1:6 2:3, when God shall retaliate and pay these great ones in their own coin. They; the cruel oppressors, these tyrannical judges, that pitied none, devoured all, and feared not the Divine vengeance. CRY UNTO T... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 3:5

THUS SAITH THE LORD: now Micah in the name of the Lord foretells what shall become of false prophets, he had frankly dealt with the seculars, now he deals as plainly with the ecclesiastics. CONCERNING THE PROPHETS THAT MAKE MY PEOPLE ERR: though he give them the title they assume to themselves, yet... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 3:6

THEREFORE; because of their irreligious and atheistical pretences to Divine revelations, and to come from heaven with promises directly contrary to God's purpose and word, even when their consciences told them they did lie herein. Night of ignorance, and loss of gifts; but since they had none such a... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 3:7

THEN; in the days of this calamity, which shall confute all the flattering promises of these prophets. THE SEERS, who called themselves, were accounted by others, and were advised with as men that had visions from God, were prophets in name and repute with the deceived people. BE ASHAMED; their impo... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 3:8

BUT TRULY, notwithstanding this shame and silence covering these false prophets, yet, saith Micah, I AM FULL OF POWER; courage, vivacity, and ability, becoming a prophet of God. BY THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD; not from himself, but from the Spirit of God given to him, and duly qualifying him to the faith... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 3:9

This verse is word for word the same in the former part of it with the former part of the first verse of this chapter; we refer thither for explication of it. The prophet having asserted his Divine call, and avowed his faithfulness in the prophetic office, MICAH 3:8, he here gives us one more proof... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 3:10

THEY; heads, princes, judges, and great ones among them. BUILD UP; enlarge or beautify, and fortify. ZION; the houses in Zion, or perhaps may be meant the temple and its buildings, and the royal palace of the kings of Judah. WITH BLOOD; with wealth and gifts which these builders made themselves mast... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 3:11

THE HEADS THEREOF JUDGE FOR REWARD; whereas the judges were God's deputies, to hear and determine causes, as the merit of the causes were found, without respect of persons, they should have been careful to give such judgment as God would give; for the judgment is the Lord s, and he sits in the midst... [ Continue Reading ]

Micah 3:12

By this it appears that this sermon was preached to Judah and its governors, priests, and prophets, who were thus wicked in Ahaz's time, and probably continued so in the beginning of Hezekiah's time. Jeremiah puts this out of all doubt, JEREMIAH 26:18, saying that Micah spake these words to all Juda... [ Continue Reading ]

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