NEHEMIAH CHAPTER 2 Artaxerxes, understanding the cause of Nehemiah's
sadness, NEHEMIAH 2:1, sendeth him with letters to Jerusalem, NEHEMIAH
2:6. Nehemiah, to the grief of the enemies, cometh to Jerusalem,
NEHEMIAH 2:9, and secretly by night vieweth the ruins of Jerusalem,
NEHEMIAH 2:12. He encourage... [ Continue Reading ]
WHY IS THY COUNTENANCE SAD? his fasting joined with inward grief had
made a sensible change in his very countenance. I WAS VERY SORE
AFRAID; partly, being daunted by the majesty of the king, and the
suddenness and sharpness of his question; partly, fearing lest there
was arising some jealousy or ill... [ Continue Reading ]
LET THE KING LIVE FOREVER: my sadness comes not from any discontent
with my own condition, or any disaffection to the king, for whom my
hearty prayers are that he may live forever; but from another cause.
THE PLACE OF MY FATHERS SEPULCHRES, which by all nations are esteemed
sacred, and inviolable, a... [ Continue Reading ]
I PRAYED TO THE GOD OF HEAVEN, to direct my thoughts and words, and to
incline the king's heart to grant my request.... [ Continue Reading ]
IF IT PLEASE THE KING: my request, whatsoever it is, I humbly and
wholly submit it to the king's good pleasure, being resolved to
pretend no merit, but am a humble suppliant for thy grace and favour,
whereof having received some token... [ Continue Reading ]
THE QUEEN ALSO SITTING BY HIM; which is here noted, partly as an
unusual thing; for commonly the kings of Persia dined alone, and their
queens seldom dined with them, as historians note; and peradventure
because the queen expressed some kindness to him, and promoted his
request with the king. WHEN W... [ Continue Reading ]
That they may safely conduct me through their several territories.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE KING'S FOREST; the forest of Libanus, famous for pleasure, and for
plenty of choice trees. WHICH APPERTAINED TO THE HOUSE, to wit, of the
king's palace, which was adjoining to the house of God. Or, _of the
tower or fence belonging to the house of God_, to wit, for the gates
of the courts of the... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
SANBALLAT THE HORONITE; so called, either from his family, or from the
place of his birth or rule, which is supposed to be Horonaim, an
eminent city of Moab, ISAIAH 15:5 JEREMIAH 48:3. TOBIAH THE SERVANT;
so called probably from his servile original or condition, from which
he was advanced to his pr... [ Continue Reading ]
Resting myself after my long journey, and inquiring into the state of
the city.... [ Continue Reading ]
I AROSE IN THE NIGHT; concealing both his intentions and actions as
far and as long as he could, as knowing that the life of his business
lay in secrecy and expedition. NEITHER WAS THERE ANY BEAST WITH ME, to
prevent noise, and the notice of what I did.... [ Continue Reading ]
I WENT OUT BY NIGHT; the footmen which accompanied him directing and
leading him in the way. his design was to go round about the city, to
observe the compass and condition of the walls and gates, that he
might make sufficient provisions for the work. BY THE GATE OF THE
VALLEY; of which see NEHEMIAH... [ Continue Reading ]
THE GATE OF THE FOUNTAIN, i.e. which led to the fountain, to wit, of
Siloah or Gibon. THE KING'S POOL; that which king Hezekiah had made:
PASS; the way being obstructed with heaps of rubbish.... [ Continue Reading ]
BY THE BROOK of Kidron; of which SEE POOLE ON "2 SAMUEL 15:23". And so
returned; having gone round about the city.... [ Continue Reading ]
Or, _were to do_, or _should do_, i.e. whom he intended to employ in
the work here following, of building the walls.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
GESHEM THE ARABIAN; either the king's lieutenant in Arabia, as Tobiah
was among the Ammonites, and Sanballat among the Moabites; or rather,
an Arabian by his birth. And it seems probable that both he, and
Sanballat, and Tobiah were chief men or governors among the
Samaritans, or in their army. See N... [ Continue Reading ]
YE HAVE NO PORTION NOR RIGHT; you have no authority over us, nor
interest in our church, or state, or city, but are mere aliens from
the commonwealth of Israel. We disown and detest that mongrel worship
and religion which you have set up. We desire not your favour, or
friendship, or help in this mat... [ Continue Reading ]