Which dwelt by them, or, among them; whereby they came to the knowledge of their counsels. Ten times, i.e. very often. A certain number for an uncertain. They will be upon you, i.e. they will invade you every way, by which we can come to you, or you to us; and therefore do you keep watches on every side. But these words may be otherwise rendered thus, On all parts where you shall be quiet, or at rest, (i.e. secure; for the Hebrew schub signifies not only to return, but also to be quiet, or at ease, as Hebricians know,) they will be upon us, i.e. upon our people, and city Jerusalem, where you are. And they rather say upon us than upon you, to manifest their affection to them, and conjunction with them, and that they looked upon themselves as members of the same body and church with them, and took what was designed or done against them, as if it were against themselves, and therefore gave them this friendly notice. Or the place may be rendered thus, They told this (to wit, the enemy's intentions) to us ten times, coming from all places where they dwelt, or rested, (Heb. you rested; the second person being put for the third, as it is both in the Hebrew language, as Genesis 10:19,30 Ge 25:18, and in the Hebrew text, Psalms 22:9, and in other languages and authors; of which see my Latin Synopsis upon Genesis 10:19; and that it is so here we have the consent of the LXX. and Arabic, and of some modern and accurate interpreters, who render it by a verb of the third person,) about us; whence they came purposely to inform and warn us. Or thus, They told this to us ten times from all places whence they did return to us: which phrase of returning to us, i.e. to Jerusalem, suits very well with those persons who came up with their brethren from Babylon to Jerusalem, and went thence into several parts of the country to dwell where they thought meet, and returned now, and at other times, as they had occasion, to their brethren at Jerusalem.

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