Read in the book of the law; so as they did before, giving them the sense of what they read; of which See Poole on "Nehemiah 8:7", See Poole on "Nehemiah 8:8". One fourth part of the day, to wit, for three hours; for there were accounted twelve hours in their day, 1 Thessalonians 11:9. Probably they began after the morning sacrifice, at which divers religious people used to be present, but now they were all assembled together upon this great occasion; and they continued their work from that time till the evening sacrifice, with which they closed the work of the day. Another fourth part they confessed, both God's mercies, as appears from the matter of the following prayer, and their own sins, as is expressed Nehemiah 9:2, this day being chiefly set apart for that work. Worshipped the Lord their God; partly by the acknowledgment and adoration of his wonderful mercy in forgiving their sins, and saving them from the deserved judgments, which they either felt or feared, and giving them his law, and the knowledge thereof; and partly by imploring his further grace and mercy to them.

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