Numbers 1:1

NUMBERS CHAPTER 1 God commands Moses and Aaron to number the people that were fit for war, NUMBERS 1:1. Twelve captains chose, of every tribe one; their names; the number of each tribe, NUMBERS 1:4, The Levites exempt; to take care of the tabernacle; the other tribes camping round it, NUMBERS 1:47.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 1:2

This is not the same muster with that EXODUS 38:26, as plainly appears, because that was before the building of the tabernacle, which was built and set up _on the first day of the first month_, EXODUS 40:2; but this was after it, to wit, on the first day of the second month, as is said NUMBERS 1:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 1:5

WITH YOU, to wit, with Moses and Aaron, who were the chief managers of the work. The tribes are here numbered according to the order or quality of their birth, first the children of Leah, then of Rachel, and then of the hand-maids.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 1:16

THE RENOWNED, Heb. _the named_ or _called_, to wit, by Moses and by God's appointment, to manage this affair, and others as there was occasion. Compare NUMBERS 16:2, NUMBERS 26:9. HEADS OF THOUSANDS. See EXODUS 18:21 NUMBERS 10:4.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 1:20

BY THEIR GENERATIONS, Heb. to wit, _their generations_, i.e. the persons begotten of Reuben's immediate children, who are here subdivided into families, and they into houses, and they into particular persons.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 1:33

Above eight thousand more than Manasseh, towards the accomplishment of that promise, GENESIS 48:20, which the devil in vain attempted to defeat by stirring up the men of Gath against them, 1 CHRONICLES 7:21,22... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 1:37

The smallest number, except one, though Benjamin had more immediate children than any of his brethren, GENESIS 46:21; whereas Dan had but one immediate son, GENESIS 46:23, yet now his number is the biggest but one of all the tribes, and is almost double to that of Benjamin. Such great and strange ch... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 1:49

Because they were not generally to go out to war, which was the thing principally eyed in this muster, NUMBERS 1:3,20,45 but were to attend upon the service or the tabernacle, and therefore are reserved to another distinct muster, NUMBERS 3:15, NUMBERS 4:2, &c. And lost this should bc thought to, be... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 1:50

The tabernacle of testimony; so called here, and EXODUS 38:21 because it was made chiefly for the sake of the ark of the testimony, 2 SAMUEL 7:2, which is oft called the testimony, as hath been observed before.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 1:51

The STRANGER elsewhere is one of another nation, here one of another tribe, one no Levite. That cometh nigh, so as to do the offices mentioned NUMBERS 1:50.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 1:53

NO WRATH, to wit, from God, who is very tender of his worship, and will not suffer the profaners of it to go unpunished; whose wrath is called simply _wrath_ by way of eminency, as the most terrible kind of wrath. SHALL KEEP THE CHARGE, i.e. shall suffer no stranger to approach through curiosity, or... [ Continue Reading ]

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