From off the tabernacle; not from the whole tabernacle, for then they must have removed, but from that part of the tabernacle whither it was come, to that part which was directly over the mercy-seat, where it constantly abode. Miriam became leprous; she, and not Aaron, either because she was first or chief in the transgression, or because God would not have his worship either interrupted or dishonoured, which it must have been if Aaron had been leprous. White as snow: this kind of leprosy was the most virulent and incurable of all. See Exodus 4:6 2 Kings 5:27. It is true, when the leprosy began in a particular part, and thence spread itself over all the flesh by degrees, and at last made it all white, that was an evidence. of the cure of the leprosy, Leviticus 13:12,13; but it was otherwise when one was suddenly and extraordinarily smitten with this universal whiteness, which showed the great corruption of the whole mass of blood, as it was here.

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