Mouth to mouth, i.e. distinctly, by an articulate voice; immediately, not by an interpreter, nor by shadows and representations in his fancy, as it is in visions and dreams; and familiarly. This is called speaking face to face, 3 John 1:12 3 John 1:14. Apparently; plainly and certainly. Not in dark speeches; not in parables, similitudes, riddles, dark resemblances; as by showing a boiling pot, an almond tree, &c. to Jeremiah, a chariot with wheels, &c. to Ezekiel. The similitude of the Lord; not the face or essence of God, which no man can see and live, Exodus 33:20; it being invisible, Colossians 1:15, and never seen by man, 1 Thessalonians 1:18; but some singular manifestation of his glorious presence, as Exodus 33:11,20, &c.; Exodus 34:5, &c.; Deuteronomy 34:10. Yea, the Son of God appeared to him in a human shape, which he took up for a time, that he might give him a foretaste of his future incarnation. My servant; who is so in such an eminent and extraordinary manner.

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