Unto Eleazar, rather than to Aaron, partly because the tronblesome part of the work was more proper for him, and partlly lest Aaron should be polluted by going amongst those dead carcasses; for it is probable this fire consumed them, as lightning somethnes doth others, by taking away their lives, and leaving their bodies dead upon the place. Out of the burning, i.e. from among the dead bodies of those men who were burnt. Burning put for those who are burnt, as captivity for the captives, Numbers 21:1, and poverty for the poor, 2 Kings 24:14. The fire, i.e. the cinders or ashes which are left in or near their censers. Yonder, i.e. far from the altar and sanctuary, into an unclean place, where the ashes were wont to be cast; by which God shows his rejection of their services. They are hallowed; either,

1. By God's appointment, because they were presented before the Lord by his express order, Numbers 16:16,17. Or,

2. By God's just judgment, because they, together with the persons that used them, were accursed and devoted by God, and therefore were the Lord s, and not to be employed in any profane or common use, as appears from Leviticus 27:28. But the first reason is the chief, and is rendered by God himself, Numbers 16:38.

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