Numbers 17:1

NUMBERS CHAPTER 17 God confirming Aaron's calling by the budding and the blossoming of his rod, NUMBERS 17:1, commandeth it to be laid up for a memorial and terror to rebels, NUMBERS 17:10. The people being terrified thereby, seek to Moses for succour, Num 11-13. No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 17:2

SPEAK UNTO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, that I may fully and finally satisfy all their scruples, and take away all pretence and cause of murmuring. OF EVERY ONE OF THEM; not of every person, but of every tribe, as it follows. A ROD; either an ordinary walking staff; or rather, that staff or rod which the... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 17:3

AARON S rather than Levi's name, for that would have left the controversy undecided between Aaron and the other Levites, whereas this would justify the appropriation of the priesthood to Aaron's family. FOR THE HEAD OF THE HOUSE OF THEIR FATHERS; i.e. there shall be in this, as there is in all the o... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 17:4

BEFORE THE TESTIMONY, i.e. before the ark of the testimony; either mediately, close by the veil behind which the ark stood; or rather immediately, within the veil in the most holy place, close by the ark, as may be gathered by comparing this place with NUMBERS 17:10, and with HEBREWS 9:4. I WILL MEE... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 17:6

i.e. Was laid up with the rest, being either one of the twelve, as the Hebrews affirm, or the thirteenth, as others think.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 17:8

INTO THE TABERNACLE OF WITNESS; into the most holy place, which he might safely do under the protection of God's command, though otherwise none but the high priest might enter there, and that once in a year. YIELDED ALMONDS; this being, as Josephus with great probability affirms, a staff of an almon... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 17:10

For if after all these warnings and prohibitions, backed with such miracles and judgments, they shall usurp the priesthood, they shall assuredly die for it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 17:12

Words of consternation arising, partly, from the remembrance of these severe and repeated judgments; partly, from the threatening of death upon ally succeeding murmurings; partly, from the sense of their own guilt and weakness, which made them fear lest they should relapse into the same miscarriages... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 17:13

ANY THING NEAR, i.e. nearer than he should do; an error which we may easily commit. SHALL WE BE CONSUMED? will God proceed with us in these severe courses, according to his strict justice? will he show us no mercy nor pity, till all the people be cut off and destroyed with dying one after another.... [ Continue Reading ]

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