Numbers 18:1

NUMBERS CHAPTER 18 God showing to Aaron, his sons, and the Levites their office, NUMBERS 18:1; appointeth to Aaron and his sons their maintenance, NUMBERS 18:8; and also to the Levites, NUMBERS 18:21. He commandeth them by Moses to give tenths of their tenths to the chief priests, NUMBERS 18:25. THE... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:2

MINISTER UNTO THEE, about sacrifices and offerings and other things, according to the rules and limits I have prescribed them. The Levites are said to minister to Aaron here, to the church, NUMBERS 16:9, and to God, DEUTERONOMY 10:8. They shall not contend with thee for superiority, as they have don... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:3

THY CHARGE, i.e. that which thou shalt command them and commit unto them. OF ALL THE TABERNACLE, i.e. of the boards and hangings and utensils of the tabernacle, to take them down, and carry them, and set them up again. THE VESSELS, which therefore were to be covered by the priests before the Levites... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:5

OF THE SANCTUARY, i.e. of the holy, and of the most holy, place. UPON THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, for coming too near the holy place, or for usurping any part of your sacred function, or for any other miscarriage which they may be guilty of through your carelessness or remissness, in which case they sha... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:7

THE ALTAR, to wit, of burnt-offering, as appears from the following words. WITHIN THE VEIL. This phrase elsewhere signifies the inward or second veil, but here it signifies either the outward veil only, or rather both the veils, the singular number being put for the plural, as when the altar is put... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:8

UNTO THEE HAVE I GIVEN THEM; not only the charge of them, but the use of them for thyself and family, in such manner as I have elsewhere expressed. THE ANOINTING, to wit, to the priestly office, i.e. because thou art priest, and art to devote thyself wholly to my service; which, that thou mayst perf... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:9

THE MOST HOLY THINGS; such as were to be eaten only by the priests, and that in the sanctuary. How these differ from _the holy things_, see on LEVITICUS 6:17. RESERVED FROM THE FIRE, i.e. such sacrifices or such parts of sacrifices as were not burnt in the fire. EVERY OBLATION; which may be understo... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:10

IN THE MOST HOLY PLACE, to wit, in the court of the priests, where there were places for this use; see LEVITICUS 6:16,17,26 7:6 8:31 14:13 NEHEMIAH 13:5,9 EZE 42:13; which is called _the most holy place_, not simply and absolutely, as the place within the veil was, but in respect of the thing he spe... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:11

THE HEAVE-OFFERING, i.e. the right shoulder, which was the priest s. OF THEIR GIFT, to wit, of their peace-offerings, as may appear, because here is an enumeration of all that belonged to the priest in the several oblations, and therefore it is not likely that he would omit the peace-offerings, wher... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:12

THE BEST, Heb. _the fat_ for the best: _the fat of wheat_ is the best of it, DEUTERONOMY 32:14 PSALMS 81:16, PSALMS 147:14. THE FIRST-FRUITS OF THEM; as well those which were offered in the name and behalf of the body of the people at the solemn feasts, LEVITICUS 23:10,17, as those which were requir... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:13

i.e. Not only the first-fruits of the oil, and wine, and wheat now mentioned, but all other first-fruits of all other grains, and all fruit-trees, &c. EVERY ONE THAT IS CLEAN; and none else, because these were first offered to God, and by consequent given to the priests; but for those which were dir... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:14

Dedicated to God by vow or otherwise, provided it be such a thing as might be catch or consumed by use; for the vessels or treasures of gold and silver which were devoted or dedicated by Joshua, David, or others, were not the priests but were appropriated to the uses of the temple.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:16

THOSE THAT ARE TO BE REDEEMED, to wit, of men only, not of unclean beasts last mentioned, as is manifest from the time and price of redemption here mentioned, both which agree to men; the time, NUMBERS 18:16; the price, NUMBERS 3:46,47; but neither agree to unclean beasts, which were to be redeemed... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:17

THEY ARE HOLY, to wit, in a peculiar manner, and higher degree than other beasts, consecrated to a holy use, even to be sacrificed unto God, and not to be redeemed nor alienated to any other use. Compare DEUTERONOMY 15:19.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:19

A COVENANT OF SALT, i.e. a durable and perpetual covenant; so called here and 2 CHRONICLES 13:5, either because salt is a sign of incorruption, as being of singular use to preserve things from corruption; or because it is confirmed and ratified on their part by salt, which is therefore called THE SA... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:20

IN THEIR LAND, i.e. in the land of the children of Israel, mentioned NUMBERS 18:13. You shall not have a distinct and separate portion of land, as the other tribes shall. The reason of this law was, partly, because God would have them wholly devoted to and employed in his service, and therefore; fre... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:21

For the tithes were all given to the Levites, and out of their tithes the tenth was given to the priests, here NUMBERS 18:26, & C, and NEHEMIAH 10:37,38.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:23

THEIR INIQUITY, i.e. the punishment due not only for their own, but also for the people's miscarriage, if it be committed through their connivance or negligence. And this was the reason why the priests withstood king Uzziah, when he would have burnt incense to the Lord, 2 CHRONICLES 26:17,18.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:24

AS AN HEAVE-OFFERING UNTO THE LORD, i.e. as a rent charge or an acknowledgment that they have and hold all their lands, and the fruits of it, from God's bounty. Note that the word HEAVE-OFFERING, which is for the most part understood of a particular kind of offerings heaved or lifted up to the Lord,... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:29

OUT OF ALL YOUR GIFTS; not only out of your tithes, but out of the other gifts which you receive from the people, and out of those fields which shall belong to your cities. YE SHALL OFFER, to wit, to the priest. EVERY HEAVE-OFFERING, i.e. as many gifts, so many heave-offerings; you shall reserve a p... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 18:32

THE BEST OF IT; implying, that if they neglected this duty, they sinned in the use of such unhallowed food. NEITHER SHALL YE POLLUTE THE HOLY THINGS, as you will do, if you abuse their holy offerings, by reserving that entirely to yourselves which they offer to God to be disposed as he hath appointe... [ Continue Reading ]

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