In the most holy place, to wit, in the court of the priests, where there were places for this use; see Leviticus 6:16,17,26 7:6 8:31 14:13 Nehemiah 13:5,9 Eze 42:13; which is called the most holy place, not simply and absolutely, as the place within the veil was, but in respect of the thing he speaks of, because this was the most holy of all the places appointed for caring of holy things, whereof some might be catch in any clean place in the camp, Leviticus 10:14, or in their own houses. And as the most holy place is sometimes called simply holy, so it is not strange if a holy place be called most holy, especially this place which was near to the altar of burnt-offerings, which is called most holy, and made all that touched it holy, Exodus 29:37. And God would have these things eaten by them in a holy place, as in God's presence, that they might be obliged to the greater caution, and not to abuse God's good creatures, and especially holy things, to intemperance; and that they might learn to eat this and their other food with thankfulness to God the giver of it, and with respect to his service and glory, which was afterward prescribed to Christians, 1 Corinthians 10:31 1 Timothy 4:3. Every male, and they only; whereas of peace-offerings the females might eat their share, Deuteronomy 12:18.

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