Out of all your gifts; not only out of your tithes, but out of the other gifts which you receive from the people, and out of those fields which shall belong to your cities. Ye shall offer, to wit, to the priest. Every heave-offering, i.e. as many gifts, so many heave-offerings; you shall reserve a part out of each of them for the priest. The hallowed part thereof: this may describe either,

1. The nature and proportion of this offering, and so peradventure he means the tenth part, which was the part or proportion that God hallowed or sanctified to himself as his proper portion, both here and elsewhere; or,

2. The reason or ground of this offering, because it is a thing hallowed or appropriated by God to himself, and given by him to the priest, and because the payment of this due doth hallow all the rest, so as they may use it with comfort and good conscience, as it follows, Numbers 18:31,32.

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