NUMBERS CHAPTER 20 The people journey in the wilderness of Zin; they murmur against Moses for want of water, Numbers 20:2. God commandeth Moses to speak to the rock, that it might yield water, Numbers 20:7,8. Moses striking the rock twice, Numbers 20:9, displeaseth God, Numbers 20:12. Moses desiring passage through Edom, Numbers 20:14, is denied, Numbers 20:18. Aaron by God's command delivering up his office to Eleazar his son, dieth, Numbers 20:21. All the congregation bemoan him, Numbers 20:29. Then, to wit, after many other stations and long journeys here omitted. but particularly described Num 33. The desert of Zin; a place near the land of Edom, distinct and distant from that, Sin, Exodus 16:1. In the first month, to wit, of the fortieth year, as is evident, because the next station to this was in Mount Hor, where Aaron died, Numbers 20:22,23, &c., who died in the fifth month of the fortieth year, Numbers 33:38. Moses doth not give us an exact journal of all their occurrences in the wilderness, but only of those which were most remarkable, and especially of those which happened in the first and second, and in the fortieth year. Kadesh; whether the same place called Kadesh-barnea, where they were long since, Numbers 13:26, and to which they now return after thirty-eight years tedious travels and wanderings in the desert, Deuteronomy 2:14, or another place more southerly, it is not material. Miriam died four months before Aaron, and but a few more before Moses.

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