And why not the Moabites, who were as guilty, Numbers 25:1 ? Answ.

1. Because God will reserve to himself a liberty of punishing or sparing, according to his own good pleasure.

2. God had a kindness for the Moabites for Lot's sake, Deuteronomy 2:9.

3. God punished the Moabites in another manner, partly, by his own immediate hand, whereby it is probable he cut off those Moabitish women that were guilty of this fact; partly, by a particular and dreadful kind of excommunication, Deuteronomy 23:3; and partly, by impunity, which in its consequences is commonly worse and more pernicious than any or all temporal punishments, which none that believes the Bible can deny.

4. It is probable the Midianites were most guilty, as in persuading Balak to send for Balaam, as may be gathered from Numbers 22:4,7; so in the reception of Balaam after Balak had dismissed him, Numbers 31:8, and in further consultation with him, and in contriving the means for the executing of this wicked plot. Smite them, i.e. kill them; in which words, as there is a command to war against them, so there is a promise of success.

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