Numbers 26:1

NUMBERS CHAPTER 26 Israel numbered, such as were fit for war, of every tribe; Levi excepted: their number, NUMBERS 26:1. The land to be distributed according to their number, NUMBERS 26:52. The Levites numbered by themselves, because they had no inheritance, NUMBERS 26:57. All that were numbered by... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:2

They were numbered twice before, EXODUS 30:11,12, and NUMBERS 1:1,2. Now they are numbered a third time, partly to demonstrate the faithfulness of God, both in cutting all those off whom he had threatened to cut off, NUMBERS 14:29, and in a stupendous increase and multiplication of the people accord... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:7

THE FAMILIES, i.e. the chief houses, which were subdivided into divers lesser families. FORTY AND THREE THOUSAND AND SEVEN HUNDRED AND THIRTY; whereas in their last numbering they were 46,500, NUMBERS 1:21; for Korah's conspiracy, as well as other provocations of theirs, had cut off many of them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:10

SWALLOWED THEM UP TOGETHER WITH KORAH: according to this translation Korah was not consumed by fire with his two hundred and fifty men, NUM 16, but swallowed up by the earth. But others rather think he was devoured by the fire, of which see on NUMBERS 16:32,35, and render these words, _and_ the thin... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:11

God being pleased to spare them, either because they disowned their father's act, and thereupon separated themselves both from his tent and company, or because Moses interceded for them, or because God would glorify his own free mercy in sparing some, while he punished others, according to his decla... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:12

NEMUEL, called _Jemuel_, GENESIS 46:10 EXODUS 6:15. JACHIN, called also _Jarib_, 1 CHRONICLES 4:24. And such names might be either added or changed upon some special occasion not recorded in Scripture.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:13

ZERAH, called also _Zohar_, GENESIS 46:10 EXODUS 6:15. There is another of his sons, _Ohad_, mentioned GENESIS 46:10, not here, possibly because his family was extinct before this time.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:14

Whereas there were 35,400 in NUMBERS 1:23. It is thought the example of Zimri, one of their princes, NUM 25, and some others among them, did infect the generality of the tribe, and so caused this great diminution in their numbers.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:15

GAD is placed next, because he was joined with Reuben and Simeon in the same camp and quarters, NUMBERS 2:10,14. ZEPHON, called _Ziphion_, GENESIS 46:16.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:21

THE SONS OF PHAREZ, though Judah's grandchildren, are here mentioned among his sons, because they are put in the stead of Er and Onan, which died before.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:22

About two thousand more than they were NUMBERS 1:27; whereas the foregoing tribes were all diminished, this tribe was now increased, and the blessing promised to that tribe above the rest, GENESIS 49:8, doth herein begin to show itself.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:27

Whereas before they were but 57,400 in NUMBERS 1:31, NUMBERS 2:8. So that Judah's camp was much increased, as Reuben's was much diminished.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:29

Gilead is here mentioned as Machir's only son, and therefore some conceive that the family of the Machirites, and of the Gileadites, are one and the same family, only called by two names; first Machirites, but afterwards Gileadites. Others make them distinct families, because Machir had other childr... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:34

Whereas they were but 32,200 in NUMBERS 1:35. So they are now increased above 50,000, according to that prophecy, GENESIS 49:22.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:36

ERAN, called _Edan_ or _Laadan_, 1 CHRONICLES 7:26; the letters _daleth_ and _resh_ being alike in the Hebrew tongue, and therefore oft changed, as is evident from Scripture instances.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:38

The sons of Benjamin were ten, GENESIS 46:21, whereof only five are here mentioned, the rest probably, together with their families, being extinct ere this time. ASHBEL, called also _Jediael_, 1 CHRONICLES 7:6. _Ahiram_, called also _Aharah_, 1 CHRONICLES 8:1 and _Ehi_, GENESIS 46:21.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:39

SHUPHAM, called also _Shuppim_, 1 CHRONICLES 7:12, and _Muppim_, GENESIS 46:21. HUPHAM, called _Huppim_, GENESIS 46:21 1 CHRONICLES 7:12.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:42

SHUHAM, called, by transposition, _Hushim_, GENESIS 46:23. AFTER THEIR FAMILIES; the greater families subdivided into lesser families.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:43

ALL FROM ONE SON AND FAMILY; whereas of Benjamin, who had ten sons, and here five families, there were only 45,600, to show that the increase of families depends singly upon God's blessing and good pleasure.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:44

OF JESUI, called _Isui_, GENESIS 46:17, where also there is another son of Asher named, to wit, _Ishuah_, whose family seems now to be lost.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:51

Very nigh as many as there were before, NUMBERS 1:46. So wisely and marvellously did God at the same time manifest his justice in cutting off so vast a number, and his mercy in giving such a speedy and numerous supply, and his truth in both.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:53

UNTO THESE; to these families now mentioned. THE LAND SHALL BE DIVIDED, by lot, NUMBERS 26:55. The land was divided into nine parts and a half, respect being had in such division to the goodness as well as to the largeness of the several portions, and the lot gave each tribe their part. OF NAMES, i.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:54

THOU SHALT GIVE; thou, Moses, partly by thyself, for he divided the land beyond Jordan to the two tribes and a half; and partly by thy successor Joshua, whom thou shalt empower and command to do it. ACCORDING TO THOSE THAT WERE NUMBERED OF HIM; according to the number of the families and persons now... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:55

BY LOT; which lots seem to have been cast only for the tribes, not, as some would have it, for the several families, for the distribution of it to them was left to the ruler's wisdom, according to the rule now given, NUMBERS 26:54. Yet if any lot was too large for the tribe, they might give up part... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:56

i.e. That share which shall by lot fall to each tribe, shall be distributed to the several families and persons in such proportions as their numbers shall require.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:58

The families of the Levites are here numbered by themselves, because they were not to have a distinct share of the land, whence it is that they are not so distinctly and exactly mentioned as the other tribes, but confusedly and imperfectly, some of them being wholly omitted here. See EXODUS 6:17.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:62

TWENTY AND THREE THOUSAND; one thousand more than they were NUMBERS 3:39. The reason of which different way of numbering, see on NUMBERS 3:15.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 26:65

THERE WAS NOT LEFT A MAN OF THEM, to wit, of those who then murmured and rebelled against God, as plainly appears, both because this threatening and punishment is confined to those transgressors, and because otherwise this had not been true; for of those that were then numbered there were now left E... [ Continue Reading ]

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