Numbers 27:1

NUMBERS CHAPTER 27 The law of inheritance: for daughters on defect of sons; and on defect of them to the brother; and if there be none, to the next kinsman, NUMBERS 27:1. God commands Moses to go up into a mountain to view the land of Canaan, and die there: the reason, NUMBERS 27:12. Moses prays to... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 27:2

Nigh unto THE DOOR OF THE TABERNACLE OF THE CONGREGATION it seems was the place where Moses and the chief rulers assembled for the administration of public affairs, which also was very convenient, because they had frequent occasion of recourse to God for his assistance and direction therein.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 27:3

HE WAS NOT IN THE COMPANY OF KORAH, nor in any other rebellion of the people, which must be understood, because all of them are opposed to HIS OWN SIN, in which alone he is said to die. But they mention this only either, 1. Because he might possibly be accused to be guilty of this. Or, 2. Because... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 27:4

BE DONE AWAY; as it will be, if it be not preserved by an inheritance given to us in his name and for his sake. Hence some gather that the first son of each of these heiresses was called by their father's name, by virtue of that law, DEUTERONOMY 25:6, whereby the brother's first son was to bear the... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 27:5

i.e. Into the tabernacle, where God was pleased to speak with Moses upon occasions, EXODUS 25:22 NUMBERS 7:89. For it was a hard case; and though their plea seemed reasonable, yet Moses showed his humility and modesty, that he would not determine it himself without God's particular direction.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 27:7

GIVE THEM: in Hebrew it is of the masculine gender, to show that women in this case should enjoy the man's privilege, and that the heavenly Canaan, whereof this was a type, did belong no less to women than to men, GALATIANS 3:28. THE INHERITANCE OF THEIR FATHERS, i.e. which belonged to their fathers... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 27:12

The whole tract of mountains was called ABARIM, NUMBERS 33:47, whereof one of the highest was called _Nebo_, DEUTERONOMY 32:49, and the top of that, _Pisgah_, DEUTERONOMY 34:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 27:16

ALL FLESH, i.e. of all men; the Searcher of spirits, that knowest who is fit for this great employment; the Father, and Giver, and Governor of spirits, who canst raise and suit the spirits of men to the highest and hardest works, as thou didst those NUMBERS 11:16,17. See NUMBERS 16:22.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 27:17

i.e. Which may wisely conduct them in all their affairs, both when they go forth to war, or upon other occasions, and when they return home and live in peace. A metaphor from shepherds, as it here follows, which in those places used not to go behind their sheep, as ours now do, but before them, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 27:18

THE SPIRIT; the spirit of government, of wisdom, and of the fear of the Lord, &c. LAY THINE HAND UPON HIM; by which ceremony Moses did both design the person and confer the power, and by his prayers, which accompanied that rite, obtain from God all the spiritual gifts and graces necessary for his fu... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 27:19

That they may be witnesses of the whole action, and may acknowledge him for their supreme ruler. GIVE HIM A CHARGE: thou shalt command him in my name to undertake the government of my people, which otherwise he will be afraid and unwilling to do, and thou shalt give him counsels and instructions for... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 27:20

Thou shalt not now use him as a servant, as thou hast done, but as a brother and thy partner in the government, showing respect to him, and causing others to do so, and thou shalt impart to him the ensigns and evidences of thy own authority, whatsoever they be. Some understand this honour of those s... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 27:21

WHO SHALL ASK COUNSEL for him, when he requires him to do so, and in important and difficult matters. See JOSHUA 9:14 JUDGES 1:1, JUDGES 20:18 1 SAMUEL 23:9. AFTER THE JUDGMENT, or, _by or from the judgment_, i.e. by seeking and receiving and communicating to him the judgment or sentence thereby giv... [ Continue Reading ]

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