Numbers 33:1

NUMBERS CHAPTER 33 A relation of the marches and campings of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan, NUMBERS 33:1. They are commanded to drive out the Canaanites, and destroy their pictures, molten images, and high places, and to divide the land by lot, NUMBERS 33:50. The Canaanites, if not dispossesse... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 33:2

MOSES would have this done, partly to evince the truth of the history, partly to preserve the remembrance of God's glorious and miraculous works both of judgment and mercy towards his people, and thereby to confirm their faith in their present difficult undertaking.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 33:3

They all repaired to RAMESES by Moses's order from all parts of the land. IN THE SIGHT OF ALL THE EGYPTIANS. See EXODUS 14:8 NUMBERS 15:30.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 33:4

UPON THEIR GODS; either, 1. Their princes and rulers, who are sometimes called _gods_ in Scripture; and so this is added by way of amplification, God slew their first-born; not only of the meaner sort, but even of their king and princes. Or, 2. Their false gods, to wit, those beasts which the brut... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 33:45

IIM, rather _Ijim_, i.e. the heaps, as the word signifies, even the _heaps of Abarim_, last mentioned; the Hebrew word is the same with _Ije_, NUMBERS 33:44, only there it is in the construed, and here in the absolute, form. _Dibon-gad_; so called partly by way of distinction of this from another Di... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 33:49

ABEL-SHITTIM; called _Shittim_, NUMBERS 25:1, and here _Abel-shittim_, for the grievous mourning which there was both for the heinous crimes committed, and horrible judgments there inflicted.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 33:52

YE SHALL DRIVE OUT; not by banishing, but by destroying them, as it is explained, DEUTERONOMY 7:1,2, and elsewhere. _Their pictures_ seem to have been stones curiously engraven, and set up for worship. See DEUTERONOMY 16:22. MOLTEN IMAGES. See EXODUS 23:24,32 DEU 7:5. HIGH PLACES, i.e. by a metonymy... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 33:55

PRICKS IN YOUR EYES, i.e. both vexatious and pernicious, for the eye is a tender part, and a wound there is very mischievous.... [ Continue Reading ]

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