Numbers 35:1

NUMBERS CHAPTER 35 Eight and forty cities given to the Levites, together with their suburbs; among which six cities of refuge, for an Israelite or stranger who had killed another unawares, NUMBERS 35:1. Wilful murder decided, and the murderer to be put to death, NUMBERS 35:16. The man-slayer must ab... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 35:3

FOR THEIR CATTLE; for pasturage for their cattle; where they might not build houses, nor plant gardens, orchards, or vineyards, no, nor sow corn, for which they were abundantly provided out of the first-fruits and tithes. And these suburbs did not belong to the Levites in common, but were distribute... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 35:4

OBJECT. In the next verse it is TWO THOUSAND. How do these agree? ANSW. 1. LXX. interpreters read both here and NUMBERS 35:5 _two thousand cubits_, whence some suppose this to be an error in the Hebrew text, which, being in a matter neither concerning faith nor good manners, is not prejudicial to t... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 35:6

FOR REFUGE, or, of _receipt_, or _escape_, or _resort_, to wit, for man-slayers; and these cities are assigned among the LEVITES, partly, because they might be presumed to be the most proper and impartial judges between man-slayers and wilful murderers; partly, because their presence, and counsel, a... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 35:11

i.e. Not wilfully, designedly, or maliciously, but inconsiderately, through mistake, or indiscretion, or carelessness. See LEVITICUS 4:2.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 35:12

THE AVENGER, to wit, of the party slain, or, _of blood_, as it is fully expressed below, NUMBERS 35:19,25; Heb. _from the redeemer_, or, _from the next kinsman_, to whom by the law belonged the right of redemption of the lands of, and vindication of the injury done to the person deceased. DIE NOT, i... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 35:14

ON THIS SIDE JORDAN; because that land was as long as Canaan, though not so broad, and besides these might be convenient for many of them that lived in Canaan.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 35:15

FOR THE STRANGER; not the proselyte only, but all strangers, this being no matter of religious privilege, but of common right, and agreeable to the law of nature and practice of wise heathens.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 35:16

IF HE SMITE HIM, wittingly and wilfully, though not with premeditated malice or design, as appears by comparing this with NUMBERS 35:20. SO THAT HE DIE, to wit, suddenly, not so if he walked abroad afterward, EXODUS 21:19,20. SHALL SURELY BE PUT TO DEATH; yea, though he were fled into the city of re... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 35:17

WITH THROWING A STONE, Heb. _with the stone of the hand_, i.e. cast by the hand, and that knowingly, as appears by NUMBERS 35:23.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 35:19

Either, 1. By himself, as the following words show: so it is only a permission, that he may do it without offence to God or danger to himself. Or, 2. By the magistrate, from whom he shall demand justice: so it is a command, as may appear by comparing this with NUMBERS 35:31 DEUTERONOMY 19:12,13.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 35:25

HE SHALL ABIDE IN IT, be confined to it, partly to show the hatefulness of wilful murder in God's account by so severe a punishment, as this in many cases might prove, inflicted upon the very appearance of it; and partly for the security of the man-slayer, lest the presence of such a person, and his... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 35:27

i.e. Not liable to punishment from men, though not free from guilt before God, because he kills an innocent person, as appears from DEUTERONOMY 19:10. This God ordained to oblige the man-slayer to abide in his city of refuge. See NUMBERS 35:32.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 35:32

Whereby God would signify the absolute and indispensable necessity of Christ's death to expiate sin, and to redeem the sinner.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 35:33

These words are added as a reason not of the last law, NUMBERS 35:32, for in that case the land was cleansed without the blood of the man-slayer. but of the law next foregoing that, NUMBERS 35:31, in which case it holds; and the sense is, If you shall spare the murderer, or take any satisfaction for... [ Continue Reading ]

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