Numbers 6:1

NUMBERS CHAPTER 6 The law of the Nazarites; from what they should abstain; how, becoming unclean, they were to be purified, NUMBERS 6:1. The vow of separation being fulfilled, the ceremonies to be observed, NUMBERS 6:13. The form of blessing to be used by the priest in the congregation, NUMBERS 6:22... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 6:2

EITHER MAN OR WOMAN; for both sexes might make this vow, if they were free and at their own dispose, for otherwise their parents or husbands could disannul the vow, NUMBERS 30:5, and in that case they sinned in taking God's name in vain, and vowing what they could not perform. A VOW OF A NAZARITE; w... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 6:3

Lest they should either inflame or dispose him to luxury, and consequently to the breaking of his vow; or cloud his reason, and thereby occasion some mistake or miscarriage in the rules to which he had bound himself. Compare LEVITICUS 10:9. NOR EAT MOIST GRAPES, OR DRIED; which was forbidden him for... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 6:5

NO RAZOR, nor scissors, or other instrument to cut off any part of his hair. This was appointed, partly, as a sign of his mortification to worldly delights, and vain affectation of outward beauty, which is promoted by the polling or cutting off the hair; partly, as a testimony of that purity which h... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 6:7

For his father, or for his mother; wherein he was equal to the high priest, LEVITICUS 21:11, being, in some sort, as sacred a person, and as eminent a type of Christ, HEBREWS 7:26, and therefore justly required to prefer the service of God, to which he had so fully and peculiarly given himself, befo... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 6:9

HE SHALL SHAVE HIS HEAD, because his whole body, and especially his hair, was defiled by such an accident, which he ought to impute either to his own heedlessness, or at least to God's providence, so ordering the matter possibly for the punishment of his other sins, or for the quickening of him to m... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 6:11

SHALL OFFER, Heb. _make_, which is oft put for _sacrificing_ or _offering_, as EXODUS 29:36 1 CHRONICLES 21:23, compared with 2 SAMUEL 24:22. FOR A SIN-OFFERING, because such a pollution was, though not his sin, yet the chastisement of his sin, and had an appearance of sin, to wit, of negligence in... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 6:12

THE DAYS OF HIS SEPARATION; as many days as he had before separated or vowed unto God. Lost, i.e. not reckoned or imputed to him. Heb. _full_, to wit, to the ground, i.e. be void or of none effect.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 6:14

FOR A SIN-OFFERING, whereby he confessed and bewailed his frailties and miscarriages, notwithstanding the strictness of his vow and all the diligence and care which he could use, and consequently acknowledged his need of the grace of God in Christ Jesus the true Nazarite. FOR PEACE-OFFERINGS; for th... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 6:18

OF HIS SEPARATION; or, _of his Nazariteship_, i.e. in which the chief of his Nazariteship or separation to God consisted. AT THE DOOR OF THE TABERNACLE; publicly, that it might be known that his vow was ended; and therefore he was at liberty as to those things from which he had restrained himself fo... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 6:19

THE SODDEN SHOULDER; the left shoulder, as it appears from NUMBERS 6:20, where this is joined with the _heave-shoulder_, which was the right shoulder, and which was the priest's due in all sacrifices, LEVITICUS 7:32, and in this also. But here the other shoulder was added to it, as a special token o... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 6:20

And return to his former freedom and manner of living; he is discharged from his vow. Of the wave-offering and heave-offering, see LEVITICUS 7:30,32.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 6:23

ON THIS WISE, Heb. _Thus_, in this manner, or in these words; yet so as that they were not tied to these very words, because after this we have examples of Moses and David and Solomon and others blessing the people in other words. YE SHALL BLESS THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, to wit, in the public assembly... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 6:24

BLESS THEE, i.e. bestow upon you all manner of blessings, temporal and spiritual. Compare GENESIS 12:2. KEEP THEE, i.e. continue his blessings to thee, and preserve thee in and to the use of them; keep thee from sin and its bitter effects.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 6:25

upon thee, i.e. Smile upon thee: this is opposed to the hiding of his face, and to the covering himself or his face with a cloud; and it is explained by the following words, BE GRACIOUS UNTO THEE. Others expound it of illumination or direction, and the revelation of himself and of his will to them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 6:26

i.e. Look upon thee with a cheerful and pleasant countenance, as one that is reconciled to thee, and well pleased with thee and thy offerings and services. See of this phrase PSALMS 4:6 PROVERBS 16:15. To this is opposed the falling and _the casting down of the countenance_, of which see GENESIS 4:5... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 6:27

i.e. Shall call them by my name, shall recommend them to me as my own people, and bless them and pray unto me for them as such; which is a powerful argument to prevail with God for them, and therefore hath been oft used by the prophets interceding for them, as JEREMIAH 14:9 DANIEL 9:18,19: compare 1... [ Continue Reading ]

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