For I am in a strait between two; because he knew not what to choose for the best, he was held in suspense, Luke 12:50 Acts 18:5, as one drawn both ways with weighty reasons, which he amplifies with respect to himself and the church, that Christ might be honoured in both: his love to the enjoyment of Christ and the edification of his members constraining him on each hand; the former was more delightful to him, and the latter more profitable for them. Having a desire to depart; being held not only with a bare inclination, but an ardent and perpetually active desire, to loose from this clayey tabernacle, Psalms 42:1,2 Ec 12:7 Luke 2:29, Luke 12:36 2 Corinthians 5:1,4 2 Timothy 4:6: so to depart as to abide in a better place. And to be with Christ; which is far better; upon being absent from the body to be present with Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:8, in paradise, Luke 23:43 1 Thessalonians 4:17; so to leave the body as to live with and enjoy him in heaven, is by far much better for me.

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