That ye may be blameless and harmless; that ye behave yourselves so that none can justly reproach you, Luke 1:6 and though you cannot altogether put to silence foolish men, 1 Thessalonians 15:25 1 Peter 2:15, yet they cannot have any just cause to stain your reputation; but you may be found sincere, simple, void of guile, Matthew 10:16 1 Thessalonians 1:47 Romans 16:19 1 Peter 2:1, with 1 Peter 1:14. The sons of God, without rebuke; without such spots and blemishes as are inconsistent with your adoption, or sonship, Ephesians 5:27. Sons of God, in regard of their relation, should be careful, as much as may be, that they do not expose themselves to the biting reproofs of those carping neighbours who are not of their Father's family, Song of Solomon 4:7 Matthew 5:48 Ephesians 1:4 Judges 1:24. In the midst of a crooked and perverse nation; who show by their lying in wickedness, 1 John 5:19, and the uncured spots, yea, even plague sores, upon them who have notoriously corrupted themselves, that they are a perverse, crooked, untoward, and adulterous generation, Deuteronomy 32:5 Psalms 125:5 Matthew 12:39 Acts 13:8,10. Among whom ye shine as lights in the world; in conversing with such a sort of men, ye either do, or ought, unanimously to show yourselves to be light in the Lord, Matthew 5:14,16 Eph 5:8,15; enlightened by the Sun of righteousness, Zechariah 4:2, to give a more clear light, that however the uncivil wicked would bespatter you, and cast reproach upon you in the necessary exercises of religion; yet, you not suffering as murderers, thieves, busybodies, &c., 1 Peter 4:4,15,16, you will then, especially if Christ's faithful ambassadors, show yourselves to be not such lantern or torchbearers as accompanied treacherous Judas, 1 Thessalonians 18:3, (however the ill men you live among may reckon you no better), but such light-bearers under Christ, (the Seventy use the word for stars, Genesis 1:16 Daniel 12:3 Revelation 1:16,20), as irradiate the world; not a house, as a candle doth, but the world, as stars do, Revelation 12:1.

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