I press toward the mark; he did not look back, Luke 9:62, nor was lazy, but did follow hard, with an eager pursuit, \Matthew 11:12\ after the perfection that was in his eye; not erring from, his main scope; considering what he had received was but in part, he did still press for more, upon that ground that Christ had apprehended him for more, as if he were stretching out his hands to lay hold of it. For the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus; trusting he should, through grace, be kept all along, maugre all difficulties, in the hand of Christ, till upon his account he should be fully possessed of all that was aimed at, even that which is styled the prize, or victorious palm of our high calling; and the Christians may well be termed a high calling, considering their heavenly birth when called, and laid hold of by Christ, 1 Thessalonians 1:13, and the purchased inheritance eternally settled upon such spiritual, high-born princes, Ephesians 1:14 Revelation 1:6; who are by one oblation perfected for ever, Hebrews 10:14; which will appear most glorious when they are raised up in Christ, who will then give out all the salvation he hath called us unto.

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