PHILIPPIANS CHAPTER 4 Philippians 4:1 Paul exciteth to steadfastness in Christ, Philippians 4:2 and after some particular admonitions, Philippians 4:3,4 exhorteth generally to religious joy, Philippians 4:5 moderation, Philippians 4:6,7 trust in God with prayer, Philippians 4:8,9 and to every branch of moral goodness. Philippians 4:10 He testifieth his joy in the care shown by the Philippians for his supply in prison, though being always content he was above want, Philippians 4:15 and commendeth their former liberality to him, not for his own sake, but for the good that would redound to them from it. Philippians 4:18,19 He acknowledgeth the receipt of their late bounty, assuring them that God would both accept and reward it. Philippians 4:20 He giveth glory to God, and concludeth with salutations, and a blessing. Therefore; this particle connotes that which follows to be inferred by way of conclusion from what he had premised in the close of the former chapter, in opposition to the shame of the earthly-minded, concerning the glory of the heavenly-minded. My brethren; he affectionately owns them to be his brethren in the common faith, Titus 1:4. Dearly beloved; those who, not being enticed by the insinuations of seducers, did adhere to him, had his sincere affections, Philippians 2:12. And longed for; whose safety and felicity every way he most heartily desired, Philippians 1:8, Philippians 2:26; with Romans 1:11 1 Thessalonians 3:6. My joy; intimating how their faith and holiness did at present afford matter of rejoicing to him, Philippians 1:4,7,8, with 1 Thessalonians 2:19,20. And crown; he was not ambitious of man's applause, but accounted them his honour and glory, the great ornament of his ministry, whereby they were converted to Christ, (as elsewhere in Scripture a crown is taken figuratively, Proverbs 12:4, Proverbs 14:24 16:31 17:6), 1 Thessalonians 2:19; the reward which had some similitude with the honour they had who were victorious in a race, Philippians 2:16,17: as James 1:12 1 Peter 5:4 Revelation 2:10 Revelation 3:11. So stand fast; he exhorteth them not barely to stand, but so to stand that they did not fall, 1 Corinthians 10:12. Hereupon he adds, in the Lord; i.e. considering their relation unto Christ, they would derive power and virtue from him, into whom they were implanted, to persevere, conformably to his will, in Christian concord, till they were made like to him, Philippians 3:21, with Philippians 1:27 1 Thessalonians 15:4,7 1 Corinthians 15:58, 1 Corinthians 16:13 Galatians 5:7 Ephesians 6:11,14. My dearly beloved; in whom looking upon them, (the more to fix them), he pathetically and rhetorically repeats his endearing compellation beloved.

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