Proverbs 13:1

PROVERBS CHAPTER 13 HEARETH; which word is understood out of the next clause, as is frequent in the Hebrew text. INSTRUCTION; or, rebuke or reproof. HEARETH NOT REBUKE; he hateth reproof, either from his father or from any other man.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:2

SHALL EAT GOOD; shall receive much comfort, and credit, and benefit to himself. BY THE FRUIT OF HIS MOUTH; by his wise and profitable discourses. THE SOUL, i.e. the person, as the soul is oft used. THE TRANSGRESSORS; who transgress with their lips, as this general phrase may be restrained from the f... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:3

HE THAT KEEPETH HIS MOUTH, to wit, to the opening of it; who speaks sparingly, and with due care and caution; KEEPETH HIS LIFE; prevents many sins and mischiefs which others run into. _He that openeth wide his lips_, that takes liberty to speak every thing which pleaseth him, or cometh into his mind... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:4

HATH NOTHING, because he contenteth himself with lazy desires without diligent endeavours. SHALL BE MADE FAT; he shall be enriched with the fruit of his own labours.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:5

HATETH LYING, both in himself and in other men, whereby he getteth that good name which is like a precious ointment. A WICKED MAN; who accustometh himself to lying, as may be gathered from the foregoing words. COMETH TO SHAME; makes himself contemptible and hateful to all that know him; there being... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:6

KEEPETH HIM; either from sin, or from that overthrow which befalls sinners, in the next clause. THE SINNER, Heb. _the man of sin_, who giveth up himself to wicked courses.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:7

Some men who have little or nothing pretend to have great riches, and carry themselves accordingly; either out of pride and vanity, or with a design to gain reputation with others whom they intend to defraud. Some rich men seem and profess themselves to be very poor, that they may preserve and incre... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:8

This verse sets forth, either, 1. The several advantages of riches and poverty. Riches enable a man to redeem his life when it is in greatest danger, and poverty preserves a man from those rebukes and injuries which endanger and oft destroy the rich. Or, 2. The convenience of poverty above riches.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:9

THE LIGHT; the prosperity or happiness, which is oft called a _light or lamp_ in Scripture, and other authors. REJOICETH; shineth with a pleasant and constant brightness and glory; for this is opposed to the putting out in the next clause. _Rejoicing_ is here ascribed to the light, as it is to the s... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:10

ONLY BY PRIDE COMETH CONTENTION; which is not to be understood exclusively as to all other causes; for contentions oft spring from ignorance, or mistake, or covetousness, or other passions: but eminently, because as pride bloweth up those coals of contention which other lusts kindle, so ofttimes pri... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:11

BY VANITY; by vain, or deceitful, or wicked practices. _Shall be diminished_, because the curse of God attends upon it. BY LABOUR; by diligence in an honest calling.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:12

HOPE DEFERRED; delays in obtaining that good which a man passionately desireth and hopeth for. THE DESIRE; the good desired and expected; acts being oft put for the objects, IT IS A TREE OF LIFE; it is most sweet, and satisfactory, and reviving.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:13

DESPISETH; disobeyeth it wilfully and presumptuously. _The word_; the word of God, which is called the word by way of eminency, DEUTERONOMY 30:14, compared with ROMANS 10:18 1 THESSALONIANS 5:17, and elsewhere. SHALL BE DESTROYED, except he repent, and return to his obedience. THAT FEARETH THE COMMA... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:14

THE LAW; the doctrine, instruction, or counsel; as the word law is frequently understood in Scripture. OF THE WISE; of holy men, who are commonly called wise, as sinners are called fools, in this book.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:15

GOOD UNDERSTANDING; discovering itself by a man's holy and righteous practices and ways, as appears from the opposition of THE WAY OF TRANSGRESSORS to it; and as words of understanding in this and other books of Scripture commonly include practice. GIVETH FAVOUR; maketh a man acceptable both to God... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:16

DEALETH, Heb. _acteth_, or DOTH, manageth all his affairs, with knowledge; considerately and discreetly. LAYETH OPEN HIS FOLLY, by his heady and foolish actions.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:17

A WICKED MESSENGER, who is unfaithful in the execution of that which is committed to his charge, as appears by the opposite clause, FALLETH INTO MISCHIEF; shall not escape punishment from God, or from them who sent him. IS HEALTH; or, _wholesome_; procureth safety and benefit, as to his master, so a... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:18

INSTRUCTION; whereby he might have been kept from destructive and dishonourable courses. HE THAT REGARDETH REPROOF, that considers it seriously, receiveth it kindly, and reformeth himself by it, shall be honoured, and enriched, which is implied from the former branch. Not that it is so always, but c... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:19

THE DESIRE ACCOMPLISHED IS SWEET TO THE SOUL; the satisfaction of a man's desires by the enjoyment of the things desired is very acceptable to him; which may be taken either, 1. Of the desire of fools, which may be understood out of the next clause. So the sense of the verse is, It is sweet to sinn... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:20

WALKETH; commonly converseth and associateth himself. SHALL BE WISE; shall learn wisdom and goodness, both from their counsels and examples. The design of this proverb is to show the wonderful influence which a man's society hath upon him, either to save, or to corrupt and destroy him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:21

EVIL; evil of punishment proportionable to their evil of sin, as appears from the next clause. PURSUETH; and sooner or later shall certainly overtake them, albeit they please themselves with hopes of impunity. SINNERS; obstinate and incorrigible sinners. GOOD; God's blessings and true happiness.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:23

MUCH FOOD IS IN THE TILLAGE OF THE POOR; poor and mean persons, by their diligent labours in tillage or other employments, and God's blessing upon them, ofttimes grow rich. DESTROYED; or, _consumed_, to wit, in his estate, brought to poverty. FOR WANT OF JUDGMENT; either, 1. For want of discretion... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:24

HE THAT SPARETH, Heb. _withholdeth_ it from his son when it is due to him, HIS ROD, that correction which his son's fault requires, and he as a father is required to give him, HATETH HIS SON; not directly and properly in regard of his affection, but consequently, and in respect of the event. His fon... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 13:25

God's favour and blessing gives the righteous man a competent estate, and a heart to use it, and comfort and satisfaction in it; whereas wicked men commonly want either all these blessings, or some of them.... [ Continue Reading ]

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