Proverbs 16:1

PROVERBS CHAPTER 16 Men can neither think nor speak wisely and well of themselves, or without Divine assistance. Or, as many others, both ancient and modern interpreters, render the verse, THE PREPARATIONS, _ or dispositions, or orderings of the heart are in or from a man_; (i.e. a man may consider... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:2

ALL THE WAYS OF A MAN ARE CLEAN IN HIS OWN EYES; many men can easily flatter and deceive themselves into a good opinion of themselves, and of their own actions, though they be sinful. See below, PROVERBS 16:25, and compare 1 CORINTHIANS 4:4. THE LORD WEIGHETH, i.e. exactly knoweth, as men do the thi... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:3

COMMIT THY WORKS UNTO THE LORD, Heb. _Roll_, &c., as a man rolls a burden to another, which is too heavy for himself, imploring his help. Refer all thy actions and concerns to God, and to his glory, as the end of them, and in the discharge of thy own duty depend upon God's providence for assistance... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:4

HATH MADE; or, _hath wrought_ or _doth work_; for the Hebrews express the present as well as the past thee by this tense: he ordereth or disposeth; for this may be understood either of the works of creation or of providence. ALL THINGS, and especially all men, for himself; for his own service and gl... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:5

THAT IS PROUD IN HEART, though he dissemble it in his outward carriage and countenance, as PSALMS 10:4. In whose heart pride rules. THOUGH HAND JOIN IN HAND; though they have many friends and assistants. See the same phrase PROVERBS 11:21.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:6

BY MERCY AND TRUTH; either, 1. By God's mercy or grace, and by his truth in performing his promises made to sinners in Christ. Or, 2. By men's mercy and truth, as those very words are jointly used, PROVERBS 3:3, PROVERBS 20:28, and elsewhere; and as, in the following clause, the fear of the Lord is... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:8

This was in effect said before, PROVERBS 15:16, and is here repeated, partly because of the great importance and usefulness of this truth, and partly because men are very hardly brought to a serious belief of it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:9

DEVISETH HIS WAY; considers and proposeth to himself what he will do. DIRECTETH HIS STEPS; overruleth and disposeth all their designs and actions as he pleaseth, and not as they list.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:10

A DIVINE SENTENCE, Heb. _divination_, which is sometimes taken in a good sense for prudence, as it is ISAIAH 3:2. A great sagacity and piercing judgment to discern dubious and difficult cases. IS; or, _should be_; for the verb is wanting in the Hebrew, and this may be supplied as well as _is_. And h... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:11

ARE THE LORD S; are God's work, as it follows; made by his direction and appointment, so as no man can corrupt or alter them without violating God's rights and authority, and incurring his displeasure. THE WEIGHTS, Heb. _the stones_, which they then used as weights. SEE POOLE ON "PROVERBS 11:1".... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:12

IT IS AN ABOMINATION TO KINGS TO COMMIT WICKEDNESS; they should not only abstain from all wicked practices, but abhor them both in their own persons, and in all their servants and subjects. It is too plain that he speaks not of the common practice, but of the duty of kings, as on PROVERBS 16:10. And... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:13

All wise and good kings do, and all kings should, delight in employing such counsellors, judges, and officers under them, as are just and faithful in their counsels, and sentences, and actions, because such bring great honour and advantage to them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:14

IS AS MESSENGERS OF DEATH; is as terrible as if many messengers were sent to denounce the sentence of death, and to execute it. WILL PACIFY IT; will use all prudent and lawful means to pacify it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:15

IN THE LIGHT OF THE KING'S COUNTENANCE IS LIFE; his favour and smiling countenance is most sweet and refreshing, especially to him that was under a sentence of death, PROVERBS 16:14. HIS FAVOUR IS AS A CLOUD OF THE LATTER RAIN; as acceptable as those clouds which bring the latter rain, whereby the f... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:16

HOW MUCH BETTER! it is inexpressibly and unconceivably better, as this phrase implies, PSALMS 31:19, PSALMS 36:7 92:5, &c. IS IT TO GET WISDOM THAN GOLD, because it brings a man more certain, and complete, and lasting comfort and advantage.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:17

THE HIGHWAY OF THE UPRIGHT, their common road, in which they constantly purpose, and desire, and customarily use to walk, although sometimes through frailty or temptation they slip into the by-paths of sin, is to depart from evil; from the evil of sin, and consequently from the evil of punishment. H... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:18

PRIDE GOETH BEFORE DESTRUCTION; it is commonly a forerunner and cause of men's ruin, because it highly provokes both God and men.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:20

HE THAT HANDLETH A MATTER WISELY; he who orders his affairs with discretion. Or, as others, both ancient and later interpreters, take it, _he that understandeth or attendeth to the word_, to wit, the word of God, which is called absolutely _the word_, PROVERBS 13:13, and elsewhere, making that the r... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:21

THE WISE IN HEART SHALL BE CALLED PRUDENT: the sense is either, 1. He who hath wisdom or sound knowledge in his heart, will show it by his prudence in ordering his actions. Or rather, 2. He who is truly wise, or prudent, or intelligent (all which words most commonly signify one and the same thing,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:22

IS A WELL-SPRING OF LIFE, is continually suggesting wholesome and saving instructions, UNTO HIM THAT HATH IT; and to others also, as is understood from the following clause. The instruction of fools is folly; their most grave and serious counsels are foolish.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:23

TEACHETH HIS MOUTH; directeth him what, and when, and how to speak, and keepeth him from speaking rashly and foolishly. ADDETH LEARNING TO HIS LIPS, i.e. enableth him to speak learnedly and wisely. Or, _increaseth learning_ (in himself and others) by (as this Hebrew particle oft signifies, and is by... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:24

PLEASANT WORDS; the discourses of the wise last mentioned, PROVERBS 16:23, which yield both profit and delight; their wholesome counsels and refreshing comforts. TO THE BONES; to the body, synecdochically expressed by the bones, the strongest and greatest parts of it, and the supporters of the rest.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:25

This whole verse was delivered before, PROVERBS 14:12, and is here repeated, partly for its great importance and usefulness to prevent that self-deceit which is so common and dangerous; and partly to keep men from leaning too much to their own understanding, and to oblige them to seek and receive th... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:26

FOR HIMSELF; for his own use and benefit. The scope of the proverb is to commend and press diligence in a man's calling, and to condemn idleness. CRAVETH IT OF HIM, Heb. _boweth to him_, as a suppliant; beggeth him to labour, that it may have something to put into it for its own comfort, and for the... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:27

DIGGETH UP EVIL; inventeth or designeth mischief to others, and prosecuteth his evil designs with great and constant industry. IN HIS LIPS THERE IS AS A BURNING FIRE; as his thoughts, so also his words are very vexatious and pernicious; his tongue is set on fire of hell, and sets himself and others... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:28

A FROWARD MAN; or, _perverse man_, who perverteth his words and ways; who pleaseth not God, and is contrary to men, as was said of the Jews, 1 THESSALONIANS 2:15. SOWETH STRIFE, by whispering such things as may provoke one against another. A WHISPERER, who secretly carries tales from one to another,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:29

A VIOLENT MAN, Heb. _a man of violence_, i.e. devoted to violent and injurious courses, ENTICETH HIS NEIGHBOUR into a confederacy with him in his wicked practices, as it follows. THAT IS NOT GOOD, i.e. that is very sinful, as this phrase is used, PROVERBS 17:26, PROVERBS 18:5, and oft elsewhere.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:30

SHUTTETH HIS EYES, that his thoughts may be more free and intent to contrive mischief. MOVING HIS LIPS; which is the gesture, either, 1. Of one whose thoughts are deeply engaged. Or, 2. Of one that speaketh or maketh signs to others to assist him in executing that wickedness which he hath contrive... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:31

A CROWN OF GLORY; a great honour and ornament, as it is a singular blessing of God, a token of great experience and prudence, as it comes nearest to God, who is called THE ANCIENT OF DAYS, DANIEL 7:9. _If it be found in the way of righteousness_; if it be accompanied with true piety, otherwise _an o... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:32

HE THAT IS SLOW TO ANGER, not apt to revenge, but ready to forgive injuries, IS BETTER THAN THE MIGHTY, because he is more like to God, more wise to foresee and to prevent mischief, both to himself and others, which oft cometh from rash anger, of a more gallant and generous spirit, and more valiant... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 16:33

THE LOT IS CAST INTO THE LAP; as the ancient practice was in dividing inheritances, and deciding doubtful things, of which see NUMBERS 26:55 JOSHUA 7:16 1 SAMUEL 10:20,21 1 SAMUEL 14:41,42 PR 1:14 ACTS 1:26. THE WHOLE DISPOSING THEREOF IS OF THE LORD; the event, though casual to men, is directed and... [ Continue Reading ]

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