Proverbs 18:1

PROVERBS CHAPTER 18 According to this interpretation the sense is, THROUGH DESIRE (of it, to wit of wisdom, which is easily understood out of the end of the verse; such ellipses being frequent in Scripture) A MAN, HAVING SEPARATED HIMSELF, (being sequestered from the company, and noise, and business... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 18:2

IN UNDERSTANDING; in getting sound and saving knowledge, either by his own study, or by the instructions of wise and good men. BUT THAT HIS HEART MAY DISCOVER ITSELF. Heb. _but_ (his delight is) _in the discovery of his own heart_, i.e. in uttering that folly and wickedness which is in his heart; be... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 18:3

WHEN THE WICKED COMETH into any place or company, THEN COMETH ALSO CONTEMPT; either, 1. Passively; he is justly contemned and reproached by those who converse with him. Or rather, 2. Actively; he despiseth and scorneth all instruction and reproof, neither fearing God nor reverencing man; for he se... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 18:4

A MAN S, i.e. a wise man s, as the next clause explains this; who is worthy of the name and hath the understanding of a man in him. This Hebrew word ofttimes notes an eminent or excellent person, and therefore is opposed to Adam, which designs any ordinary man. AS DEEP WATERS; full of deep wisdom. T... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 18:5

IT IS NOT GOOD, i.e. it is a most wicked and hateful thing. SEE POOLE ON "PROVERBS 17:15,26. TO ACCEPT THE PERSON; to favour his unrighteous cause.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 18:6

A FOOL'S LIPS ENTER INTO CONTENTION; a fool by his rash and wicked speeches provoketh others to quarrel with him, and, as it follows, to strike him. HIS MOUTH CALLETH FOR STROKES; procureth strokes to himself.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 18:8

THE WORDS OF A TALE-BEARER, who privily slandereth his neighbour, ARE AS WOUNDS; deeply wound the reputation, and afterwards the heart, of the slandered person. Compare PROVERBS 12:18. Or, as others render the word, are AS SMOOTH OR FLATTERING, i.e. they really are so; the particle as being oft used... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 18:10

THE NAME OF THE LORD, i.e. the Lord, as he hath revealed himself in his works, and especially in his word by his promises, and the declarations of his infinite perfections, and of his good will to his people. IS A STRONG TOWER; is sufficient for our protection in case of the greatest dangers. THE RI... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 18:12

BEFORE DESTRUCTION THE HEART OF MAN IS HAUGHTY; pride is a cause and presage of ruin, as is noted, PROVERBS 16:18. _Is_; or, _goeth_. This clause we had PROVERBS 15:33.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 18:13

BEFORE HE HEARETH IT; before he hath fully heard and considered what another is speaking about it. IT IS FOLLY AND SHAME; it is a shameful folly, though he seek the reputation of a wise man by it, as if he could readily and thoroughly understand all that another cart say before he hath uttered it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 18:14

THE SPIRIT, i.e. the soul, to wit, which is unwounded, as appears by the opposite branch of the verse; which is vigorous and cheerful, supported by the sense of God's love, and the conscience of its own integrity, and the prospect of its present peace and future happiness. WILL SUSTAIN HIS INFIRMITY... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 18:15

THE HEART OF THE PRUDENT GETTETH KNOWLEDGE, by employing his thoughts and studies upon it. THE EAR OF THE WISE GETTETH KNOWLEDGE, by a greedy and diligent attention to those from whom he may learn it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 18:16

MAKETH ROOM FOR HIM; procures him free access to great men. Heb. _enlargeth him_, as this very phrase is rendered, PSALMS 4:1, and elsewhere; freeth him from straits and oppressions. BRINGETH HIM BEFORE GREAT MEN; gets him favour and free conversation with them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 18:17

HE THAT IS FIRST IN HIS OWN CAUSE, he that first pleadeth his cause, SEEMETH JUST, both to himself and to the judge or court, by his fair pretences. HIS NEIGHBOUR COMETH, to contend with him in judgment and to plead his cause, AND SEARCHETH HIM; examineth the truth and weight of his allegations, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 18:18

CAUSETH CONTENTIONS TO CEASE, by determining the matters in difference. PARTETH; maketh a partition, giveth to every one what is right or meet, by the disposition of Divine Providence. BETWEEN THE MIGHTY; so it doth also between mean persons, but he mentions the mighty because they are most prone to... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 18:19

OFFENDED, to wit, by his brother's unkindness or injury. IS HARDER TO BE WON; or, _is stronger_, which is sufficiently understood by the mention of a strong city, to which he is compared; such ellipses being frequent in the Hebrew, as hath been noted before. THAN A STRONG CITY; which is hardly to be... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 18:21

ARE IN THE POWER OF THE TONGUE; are brought upon men by the good or bad use of their tongues. THAT LOVE IT; either, 1. The tongue; that love and use much talking, which is oft censured as a sin, and a cause of mischief. See PROVERBS 10:19 JAMES 1:19. Or, 2. The use of their tongue in either of tho... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 18:22

A WIFE; either, 1. Simply a wife; for a wife, though she be not the best of her kind, is to be esteemed a blessing, being useful both for society of life, GENESIS 2:18, and for the mitigation of a man's cares and troubles, and for the prevention of sins. Or, 2. Good wife; one that deserves the name... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 18:23

USETH ENTREATIES; humbly begs the favour of rich men, as his necessities and occasions require it. ANSWERETH ROUGHLY; speaketh proudly and scornfully, either to the poor, or to others that converse with him, being puffed up with a conceit of his riches, and of his self-sufficiency.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 18:24

A MAN THAT HATH FRIENDS, Heb. _a man of friends_; either, 1. Who desires the friendship of others. Or, 2. Who professeth friendship to others. THAT STICKETH CLOSER to him that desires and needs his help; who is more hearty in the performance of all friendly offices.... [ Continue Reading ]

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