A wife; either,

1. Simply a wife; for a wife, though she be not the best of her kind, is to be esteemed a blessing, being useful both for society of life, Genesis 2:18, and for the mitigation of a man's cares and troubles, and for the prevention of sins. Or,

2. Good wife; one that deserves the name and performs the duty of that relation; a wise and worthy wife, as this word may seem to imply, being deduced from the Hebrew word isch, which sometimes notes a man of eminency. And this limitation and explication of the word may be gathered both from the following commendations, which would hardly be given to a bad wife, and from the usage of Scripture, in which this ellipsis is frequent, as a path or way is put for a good path or way, Psalms 119:1 Proverbs 15:10, an answer for a good answer, Proverbs 15:23, a king for a good king, Proverbs 16:10, Proverbs 29:4\\, a name for a good name, Proverbs 22:1 Ecclesiastes 7:1, &c. A good thing; a singular blessing. Obtaineth favour of the Lord; obtaineth her not by his own wit, or art, or diligence, but by God's good providence towards him, which ordereth that and all other events as it pleaseth him.

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