PROVERBS CHAPTER 22 A GOOD NAME, Heb. _name_ put _for good name_, as
ECCLESIASTES 7:1, the word _good_ being easily understood out of the
next clause, in which it is expressed in the Hebrew text. A good
reputation amongst wise and good men. IS RATHER TO BE CHOSEN THAN
GREAT RICHES; partly, because i... [ Continue Reading ]
1. In a way of hostility or opposition, as this word is sometimes
used; the rich contemning and oppressing the poor, and the poor
envying and purloining from the rich; and so the following words are a
reason why that hostility should cease. Or,
2. In the wa... [ Continue Reading ]
THE EVIL; the calamity or judgment of God threatened and approaching.
HIDETH HIMSELF; retireth to his strong tower, mentioned PROVERBS
18:10; by prayer and repentance putteth himself under the protection
of the Almighty. Compare ISAIAH 26:20. PASS ON in their former road
and course of sin, carelessl... [ Continue Reading ]
BY HUMILITY; or, _because of humility_; or, as many others render it,
_the reward of humility_; that reward which God hath graciously
promised and will give to humility; which is a grace of great price in
God's eyes. See ISAIAH 57:15 JAMES 4:6. THE FEAR OF THE LORD; by which
he distinguisheth true a... [ Continue Reading ]
evil courses expose themselves to many dangers and occasions both of
sin and mischief. HE THAT DOTH KEEP HIS SOUL, that taketh heed to
himself, and to his actions, and to the saving of his life and soul,
SHALL BE FAR FROM THEM; eit... [ Continue Reading ]
TRAIN UP, or, _initiate_ or _instruct, a child in the way he should
go_, Heb. _in or according to his way_, i.e. either,
1. According to his capacity. Or rather,
2. In that course or manner of life which thou wouldst have him choose
and follow. Or, as one learned man renders it, _in the beginning o... [ Continue Reading ]
RULETH OVER THE POOR, to wit, with rigour and tyranny, taking
advantage of his necessities. IS SERVANT TO THE LENDER; is at his
mercy, and therefore forced to comply with his pleasure. The design of
the proverb is partly to correct this miscarriage of the rich, and
partly to oblige all men to dilige... [ Continue Reading ]
HE THAT SOWETH INIQUITY, or _unrighteousness_, whose common practice
it is to wrong or oppress others, SHALL REAP VANITY; or, _trouble_ or
_misery_, as this word is commonly used, and as divers here render it.
The mischief which he hath done to others shall be returned to him by
God's righteous sent... [ Continue Reading ]
HE THAT HATH A BOUNTIFUL EYE, Heb. _a good eye_, he who looks upon the
wants and miseries of others with compassion and kindness, as this
phrase is used, MATTHEW 20:15; as _an evil eye_ is put for one that
beholds others with envy and unmercifulness, DEUTERONOMY 15:9 PROVERBS
23:6, PROVERBS 28:22 SH... [ Continue Reading ]
CAST OUT OF YOUR SOCIETY, avoid conversation with, the scorner; who
neither fears God, nor reverences man, but scorns all admonitions, and
minds only the pleasing of himself, and the gratifying of his own
lusts, which is the chief cause of most contentions. STRIFE AND
REPROACH; wherewith he loads th... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT LOVETH PURENESS OF HEART; who is plain-hearted or sincere, and
abhors dissimulation. For the grace of his lips; for those gracious
speeches which naturally and commonly flow from a pure heart. Or, and
(understand, _loveth_, out of the former clause) _grace of his lips_;
whose discourse is graci... [ Continue Reading ]
THE EYES OF THE LORD PRESERVE, God by the watchful eye of his
providence maintains and defends, KNOWLEDGE, to wit, men of knowledge;
the abstract being put for the concrete, as _pride_ is put for _a
proud man_, PSALMS 36:11, _deceit_ for _the deceitful_, as PROVERBS
12:17: so here _knowledge_ for kn... [ Continue Reading ]
SAITH, allegeth as his excuse to them who upbraid him with idleness,
or persuade him to diligence, THERE IS A LION WITHOUT; there are
extreme dangers and invincible difficulties in my way. I SHALL BE
SLAIN, by that lion, or some other way. IN THE STREETS; which is added
to show the ridiculousness of... [ Continue Reading ]
THE MOUTH; her fair and flattering speeches, wherewith she enticeth
him to gross filthiness, as it is noted, PROVERBS 7:21. A DEEP PIT;
into which it is easy to fall, but hard, if not impossible, to get out
of it. It is a rare thing for any person, once entered into the course
of whoredom, sincerely... [ Continue Reading ]
IS BOUND; is fixed and settled there, as being born with him, and
rooted in his very nature, and not plucked up without great difficulty
smart of punishment makes him weary of his sin, and watchful against
it.... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT GIVETH TO THE RICH; that vainly and prodigally casts away his
estate upon those who do not need it, or gives it to them with evil
design, as that they may assist him in oppressing the poor, or at
least not hinder him in it.... [ Continue Reading ]
OF THE WISE; of wise and holy men of God. APPLY THINE HEART; thirst
after it, and give of thyself to the diligent study of it. MY
KNOWLEDGE; the knowledge of God, and of thy several duties, which I am
here delivering to thee.... [ Continue Reading ]
IF THOU KEEP THEM, the words of the wise, within thee, Heb. _in thy
belly_. i.e. in thine heart, which implies receiving them in love, and
retaining them in mind and memory. BE FITTED; be fitly expressed; or,
be _disposed_ or _ordered_. The sense is, When thou hast got them into
thine heart, thou wi... [ Continue Reading ]
That knowing God, and his word and promises, thou mayst cheerfully and
confidently trust in him, which is the only way to thy safety and
happiness.... [ Continue Reading ]
EXCELLENT THINGS; or, _princely things_, as they are called, PROVERBS
8:6, the great things of God's law, as HOSEA 8:12. IN COUNSELS AND
KNOWLEDGE; consisting of counsels to direct thy practice, and
_knowledge_ to inform and enrich thy mind. Or by that known figure
_hendiadis_, _in counsels of knowl... [ Continue Reading ]
may teach thee, not false, or vain, or uncertain things, as the
teachers of the heathen nations do, but the true and infallible
being instructed by me, thou mayst... [ Continue Reading ]
BECAUSE HE IS POOR: this may be mentioned, either,
1. As a motive to this robbery, because he was unable to resist him,
or to revenge himself upon him. Do not take advantage of his poverty.
2. As an argument against it, because he is a fitter object for thy
pity and charity, than for thy injus... [ Continue Reading ]
WILL PLEAD THEIR CAUSE; which he hath in a peculiar manner undertaken
to do. SPOIL THE SOUL; take away not only their goods, but their lives
too; so fully will he recompense their wickedness to them.... [ Continue Reading ]
Into his company; not converse frequently and familiarly with him, as
friends use to do.... [ Continue Reading ]
LEST THOU LEARN HIS WAYS; lest thou be infected by his example, or
provoked by this passion to return the like to him. A SNARE; either,
1. A mischief, which is oft the effect of unbridled rage. Or,
2. An occasion of sin; either by drawing thee to an imitation or
requital of his rage; or by temptin... [ Continue Reading ]
To wit, rashly, or unnecessarily.... [ Continue Reading ]
Why wilt thou put thyself into the hands of such a man, who will exact
the debt from thee without any compassion? For though God did not
allow this practice, covetous creditors would frequently do it.... [ Continue Reading ]
LANDMARK, whereby the lands of several possessors were distinguished
and divided. Do not enrich thyself with the injury of other men; do
not invade the rights of others.... [ Continue Reading ]
DILIGENT; or, _expeditious_, as the word properly signifies; one of
quick despatch, vigorous and speedy in executing what hath been well
and wisely contrived. HE SHALL STAND BEFORE KINGS; he is fit to be
employed in the affairs of the greatest princes.... [ Continue Reading ]