Proverbs 25:1

PROVERBS CHAPTER S 25 Observations about kings, PROVERBS 25:1. A caution against contentions, PROVERBS 25:8; against revealing of secrets, PROVERBS 25:9. The reason of this caution, PROVERBS 25:10; with divers other rules, PROVERBS 25:11. THESE, which are contained in this and the following Chapter... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:2

IT IS THE GLORY OF GOD; it is agreeable to the nature and highly conducing to the honour of God, because it is a testimony of his infinite wisdom and knowledge, of his absolute power and sovereignty, and of his other incomprehensible perfections. TO CONCEAL A THING; to keep his counsels and the reas... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:3

THE HEAVEN FOR HEIGHT, AND THE EARTH FOR DEPTH; as no man upon earth can exactly discover the height of heaven, or the depth of earth, or discern what is contained in them. THE HEART OF KINGS IS UNSEARCHABLE; though wise kings will search out other men and things, yet their inward thoughts and purpo... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:5

FROM BEFORE THE KING; from his court and councils. SHALL BE ESTABLISHED, by removing them who by their wicked counsels and practices provoked God's displeasure against the king, and blasted his reputation, and alienated the hearts of his people from him. ESTABLISHED IN RIGHTEOUSNESS, by such imparti... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:6

PUT NOT FORTH THYSELF, Heb. _Do not magnify or glorify thyself_, by vaunting speech or carriage, but, which is implied, carry thyself humbly and modestly, which is most pleasing to kings, and most becoming and safe for them. STAND NOT IN THE PLACE OF GREAT MEN; do not affect nor use frequent and fam... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:7

FOR BETTER IT IS, it is more for thy credit and comfort, THAT IT BE SAID UNTO THEE, by some public officer, or by the king himself. _Whom thine eyes have seen_; into whose presence and acquaintance thou hast so boldly intruded thyself, who as before he observed thy impudence, so now he sees and suff... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:8

GO NOT FORTH HASTILY, without necessary cause and due consideration, to strive, either judicially or otherwise. PUT THEE TO SHAME, for thy folly in undertaking what thou wast not able to accomplish, and for thy injustice in charging him wrongfully.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:9

DEBATE THY CAUSE WITH THY NEIGHBOUR HIMSELF; if thou hast any quarrel with him, first try to compose it by private discourse with him. Compare MATTHEW 2:25; MATTHEW 5:15 LUKE 12:58. DISCOVER NOT A SECRET; any secret. Let no heat of contention provoke thee to divulge any of his secret counsels commit... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:10

PUT THEE TO SHAME; reproach thee for thy gross violation of the laws of prudence, and justice, and charity, and friendship therein. AND THINE INFAMY TURN NOT AWAY; and that disgrace which thou didst design against another fall and be fastened upon thyself.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:11

A WORD FITLY SPOKEN, for the matter, and season, and other circumstances of it, IS LIKE APPLES OF GOLD IN PICTURES OF SILVER, which it seems was usual in those times, and was grateful to the eye for the beauty and variety both of the colours and figures, the golden apples appearing through net-work... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:12

AS AN EARRING OF GOLD, AND AN ORNAMENT OF FINE GOLD; highly acceptable, and a great ornament, and not an offence and dishonour, as fools esteem it; SO IS A WISE REPROVER, that reproves an offender faithfully; yet prudently, in the fittest manner and season. UPON AN OBEDIENT EAR; to a man that hearke... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:13

AS THE COLD OF SNOW; either, 1. As drink cooled with ice or snow, as was and is usual in hot countries. Or, 2. As a cool air, such as is in snowy seasons. Or, 3. As drink which is as cold as snow. HE REFRESHETH THE SOUL OF HIS MASTERS, with a true account and speedy despatch of those important af... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:14

WHOSO BOASTETH HIMSELF OF A FALSE GIFT, pretending that he hath given, or promising that he will give, a man those gifts, which he neither hath given, nor intendeth to give him, IS LIKE CLOUDS AND WIND WITHOUT RAIN; like empty clouds carried about with wind, and not affording that rain which by thei... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:15

BY LONG FORBEARING, by patient submission and expectation, IS A PRINCE PERSUADED, or _pacified_, whereas his rage is increased by opposition. Compare ECCLESIASTES 10:4. A SOFT TONGUE, a mild and humble answer, BREAKETH THE BONE; softeneth a heart which is as hard as bone or stone. He alludes to thos... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:16

HONEY in those parts was oft found in woods or fields, as JUDGES 14:8, &c.; 1 SAMUEL 14:25. By _honey_ he understands, not only all delicious meats, but all present and worldly delights, which we are here taught to use with moderation. Honey excessively taken disposeth a man to vomiting.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:17

WITHDRAW THY FOOT FROM THY NEIGHBOUR'S HOUSE, visit him not too frequently nor unseasonably, lest he be weary of thee, and so hate thee, as men are apt to loathe those meats of which they surfeit, as was now observed, PROVERBS 25:16.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:18

Is as cruel and pernicious to him as any instrument of death. The design of the proverb is to show the wickedness of slander, and that a false witness is in some respect as bad as a murderer.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:19

It is not only deceitful, but hurtful, as a broken tooth though it make show of helping, yet is not only unhelpful to a man for chewing his meat, but also troublesome and painful; and as a foot out of joint doth not help, but hinder and pain, him that attempts to walk upon it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:20

IN COLD WEATHER, when it is most seasonable and necessary. AS VINEGAR UPON NITRE, which dissolves the nitre, and makes it useless and ineffectual. SO IS HE, he is no less absurd and impertinent, THAT SINGETH SONGS TO AN HEAVY HEART; whose grief is not relieved, but increased by it, as common experie... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:22

FOR, understand, in so doing, which words are expressed ROMANS 12:20, where this text is quoted, THOU SHALT HEAP COALS OF FIRE UPON HIS HEAD; either, 1. In a bad sense, thou shalt hereby aggravate his sin, and occasion a more speedy and grievous vengeance from God, which, like fire from heaven, sha... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:23

AN ANGRY COUNTENANCE in the hearer, who by his countenance showeth his dislike of such persons and practices. A BACKBITING TONGUE, Heb. _a secret tongue_, which privily slandereth his neighbour, as it is expressed, PSALMS 101:5, and as the manner of backbiters is. But this verse is otherwise rendere... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:25

Because it comes thither more rarely and difficultly after it hath been long expected and earnestly desired; all which circumstances make it more acceptable.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:26

FALLING DOWN; either, 1. Into sin. So the sense is, When a just man is either allured or terrified into any sinful practice before wicked men, or into any base and servile compliance with their lusts, he who by his excellent counsels was like a fountain or _well of life_, as his mouth is called, PR... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:27

NOT GOOD, to wit, for the health of the body. FOR MEN; which words are easily understood, both out of the foregoing clause, where the honey is supposed to be eaten by men, and out of the following words, which are evidently meant of them. TO SEARCH THEIR OWN GLORY; industriously to seek for honour a... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 25:28

OVER HIS OWN SPIRIT; over his passions, and especially his anger, Which is signified by this word, PROVERBS 16:2 ECCLESIASTES 10:4. IS LIKE A CITY THAT IS BROKEN DOWN, AND WITHOUT WALLS; exposeth himself to manifold dangers and mischiefs.... [ Continue Reading ]

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