Many are the princes thereof; either,

1. Together, contending for supremacy. Or rather,

2. Successively, as appears from the following clause. Their princes are soon cut off, and other persons, and ofttimes persons of other families, come in their stead, which is justly threatened as a curse, because such frequent changes are seldom for the better, and commonly for the worse, and are frequently attended with blood and slaughter, with the change and subversion of laws, with heavy taxes and charges, with the ruin of many families, and with many other mischiefs. By a man of understanding and knowledge; by a wise and good man; which may be understood either,

1. Collectively, for men of understanding, & c., as it is rendered in the margin. i.e. when the men or people of a land are wise and good. Or rather,

2. Singularly; and that either,

1. Of a wise and righteous prince, who by the good government of himself, and his family, and kingdom, by punishing and preventing the transgressions of the people, turns away God's wrath, and saves himself and people. Or,

2. Of any other man of eminent wisdom or piety, who prevents this judgment, either by his good counsels given to the prince and people, and entertained by them, or by his intercession to God; for God hath sometimes spared a people for the sake of one man, as he did Zoar for Lot, Genesis 19:20,21. and the Israelites for Moses, Psalms 106:23. The state thereof shall be prolonged; the land shall enjoy its former state and tranquillity, and the life of their good prince shall be prolonged.

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