No vision, i.e. no prophecy, for the prophets were anciently called seers, 1 Samuel 9:9, i.e. no public preaching of God's law or word, (as appears by the opposite clause,) which is called prophecy, Romans 12:6 1 Corinthians 14:1, &c., where the people are destitute of the means of instruction. The people perish, because they want the only means of salvation. Or, is made naked; stripped of their best ornaments, God's favour and protection, as this word is taken, Exodus 32:25. He that keepeth the law: this he saith rather than he that hath vision, which the laws of opposition might seem to require, to teach us that, although the want of God's word be sufficient for men's destruction, yet the having, and hearing, or reading of it is not sufficient for their salvation, except they also keep or obey it.

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